Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

"That's why we're being hunted. Maybe it isn't about us helping Chae and more to do with what we saw when we watched that stuff," something crawled up her spine upon the thought of the flash drives. Jennie's sucked in her cheeks.

Taking out her phone she dialled Jisoo's number. It rang before going to voicemail. She tried again and on the second ring she heard her friends soothing voice.

"Chu, where are you now?"

"Me and Jinyoung just finished speaking to some sources. We got some names of the agents YG gave the posters to,"

"Ok, are you two really busy now?"

"Not particularly,"

"Could you stop by the Tanabe's restaurant and ask them about the flash drives?" Jisoo listened attentively and suggested maybe they should go to the Tanabe residence instead.

Jennie agreed and further explained her thoughts. Jisoo understood and said she'd see them when she gets back.

"Who she with?" asked Lisa. Jennie placed her phone away.

"Jinyoung," Lisa nodded slowly as she tried to tame her annoyance. Her girlfriend was spending too much time with that man. She knew he was helping them but it touched her the wrong way.

When he'd come over the other day to fetch Jisoo, Lisa had seen the way his cheeks blushed when her girlfriend touched or giggled at something he said. She was quite certain he had a crush on her. She pulled in to their drive way and ignored her growing concerns.

Jisoo and Jinyoung made their way in to the Tanabe household and peeked to see if anyone had seen them. They made sure to avoid the cameras and saw Isha exit the study. She left with a scowl on her face, they watched as her car drove off.

Heading towards the study, they saw that Lee Tanabe was drinking out of a bottle. He looked like a mess and though they appeared straight in front of them he didn't seem to see them. Jinyoung took out his gun and made it clear the man needed to stay quiet.

Lee allowed the gun to be pointed in his face. As Jisoo made her way towards him, he's eyes never left her. She sat down and he took a swig of the drink. She was about to speak before he interreupted.

"You," he pointed skewly, "You're one of those YG bitches. What? Came to ruin my life further," Lee chugged down more of the drink and Jinyoung told him to shut up.

"We came here to talk about the flash drives. What was," Lee abruptly placed the bottle down and shook his head.

"No, I destroyed the rest ok. I don't have them. I should have just gotten rid of them in the first place," his eyes began to tear as he thought of his father. Having seen the old man in hospital scared the shit out of him.

Jisoo asked him to explain while Jinyoung cocked the gun. Lee told them that nobody was meant to see those videos and hear those recordings. Back in the 60's they'd tried to endorse the drugs the Dupont family was engineering but there was massive public outcry.

People didn't want to see little kids being used like guinea pigs and it didn't help that the anti-Vietnam War campaign was having mass international demonstrations. So the Duponts' shifted their products to the underworld of crime and soon after got involved in human trafficking.

The stuff on the flash drives were the versions his and Isha's fathers had and were meant to be destroyed. He'd lied to them that he did but was actually using it to get money. His cries worsened.

"I...should've, just, I," Jisoo and Jinyoung left immediately. They had no patience to console the fool. Placing on the delivery hat again Jinyoung started the car while Jisoo hid in the back. He gave a wave to the security on his way out and hurriedly drove to Jisoo's place.

Lisa placed a protective arm around Jisoo as she explained what happened. The blonde's attention was mainly focused on the distance between Jisoo and Jinyoung, who was sitting on the other side of her. Lisa pulled Jisoo closer.

"Those flash drives weren't meant to exist anymore. I think YG knows that," said Jisoo. Jennie agreed with her and the puzzle pieces were slowly staring to fall together. They chatted a while longer before Jinyoung had to leave. Jisoo saw him out and Jennie went to her room.

Lisa sat on their bed and quickly got up when Jisoo returned. She grabbed the sides of her face and pulled the older girl in to a passionate kiss. Picking Jisoo up, Lisa moved them towards the bed. The purple haired beauty allowed her girlfriend to undress her and found herself being pulled in to greedy kisses.

Something similar had happened earlier in the week when the young man had stopped by to fetch her. Lisa was not very good at hiding her jealousy and Jisoo thought it made the blonde sexier. Gasping as Lisa trailed down her body, she contemplated bringing Jinyoung over more often.

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