"I love you too, Mommy. Please tell Daddy that I love him as well," I replied through tears, bewildered by the unfolding events.

With a final plea for my safety, she disappeared into the unknown. I continued to cry, my tears flowing ceaselessly, until I heard commotion nearby. Through tear-blurred eyes, I witnessed my parents surrounded by a group of men, standing before a figure clad in a black hoodie, donning a mask. A scar etched across his left eye and extended into the mask, adding to his menacing appearance.

"Well, its time for you to-"

Startled by the abrupt sound of my alarm, I awoke with a sharp gasp, abruptly pulled from the depths of a painful memory. As I gradually regained consciousness, I became aware of warm tears streaming down my cheeks, evidence of the emotional turmoil that still lingered within me.

Gazing around my dimly lit room, I couldn't help but notice the serenity of the early morning. The soft glow of the rising sun filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle hue across the familiar surroundings. The room was filled with a hushed stillness, undisturbed by the turmoil raging within me.

Suppressing a wail of anguish, I buried my face in my arms, shoulders quivering with silent sobs, afraid to disturb the sleep of my family. The room itself seemed to mirror my desolation, draped in a quiet stillness broken only by the faint ticking of the clock. It was a lonely sanctuary, a sanctuary where my emotions were allowed to unravel.

Glimpsing at the digital display on the nightstand, my blurry vision made out the time, revealing that it was approximately 4 o'clock in the morning. An hour or so remained until the difficult rituals of hair and makeup would commence, a stark reminder that the day was already bearing down on me. Since i couldnt sleep anyway, I resigned myself to the inevitability of the dawn, pulling myself out of the comfort of my bed and into the shower.

 Since i couldnt sleep anyway, I resigned myself to the inevitability of the dawn, pulling myself out of the comfort of my bed and into the shower

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Emerging from the steamy shower, I swung open the door of my room and raided the mini fridge in search of a pre-pill snack. These flashbacks were crashing into my life more often than a clumsy toddler, and they were starting to drain me both mentally and physically. I sucked in a deep breath and caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. Time for a smile, I thought, attempting to plaster on a fake grin. Ouch, my cheeks were protesting this forced cheerfulness.

"Darling, are you up?" My mom's voice came knocking at my door.

"Yes, I'm up. Wait let me get the door for you," I called out, determined to hide any signs of unhappiness.

She entered the room, trailed by Hana and Jungkook, and they all wore rather somber expressions. Did my emotions leak out like a faulty faucet?

"Ma?" I questioned as she enveloped me in a tight hug without a word.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I know I can't even beg for forgiveness for arranging this marriage against your will. It may sound like a lame excuse, but he is the right one for you, regardless of the fact that we're marrying you off to save our business," Mom muttered against my shoulder, gently combing her fingers through my hair.

I hugged her back, feeling her heartbeat soothe my jangled nerves.

"It's okay, Mom. I'm okay with this. I'll do anything to help you guys," I replied with a smile.

I never had a boyfriend, and marriage wasn't exactly part of my master plan. But marrying Taehyung wouldn't change a thing because we had a divorce agreement in place for next year. It would come and go like a speedy cheetah, leaving no trace of its existence. I could still live my life as a young woman. This wedding wouldn't put a halt to my dreams. I would be turning 26 next year, and that meant I still had plenty of time to seize the day.

"That's what makes me feel guilty. You don't have to do anything for us, okay? If you're uncomfortable, please tell us," Mom said, cupping my face in her hands and brushing my bangs away from my eyes.

"Mom, stop it. I'm comfortable, really. Now let's get me dolled up for my grand day," I giggled, squeezing her cheeks to prevent any further frowning.

Her face transformed into a wide smile, and I couldn't help but giggle even more.

"I'll be back," Mom hurriedly scampered off, leaving me in the company of Hana and Jungkook.

They rushed in to embrace me so tightly that oxygen became a precious commodity. Hana got squished between Jungkook and me, poor thing.

"Kook! You muscle-bound pig, move!" Hana groaned, her voice muffled against my chest.

She was vertically challenged (i.e. polite way of saying short), that's for sure.

Jungkook just squeezed in even closer, trapping Hana and me in his bear-like arms. That man was a beast in size but a total baby at heart. Eventually, he loosened his grip, and Hana let out a grateful sigh, inhaling deeply.

"What's with the unexpected group hug?" I asked, scanning the room for my elusive phone.

"You looked so sad," Hana nodded sympathetically, her eyes reflecting the sorrow.

"Definitely cried material," Jungkook chimed in, his concern evident.

"I'm just sleepy! There's nothing wrong, I promise," I reassured them, trying to dispel their worries.

"You know we're always here for you, right?" Hana pulled me toward the bed, snuggling up beside me, while Jungkook grabbed a chair and sat nearby, shooting us concerned looks.

"Okay, fine. I did have some nightmarish memories resurface, but I'm truly okay. I just need to pop my pills," I confessed with a yawn.

Exhaustion was overtaking me, but I had to stay awake for the hairstyling, makeup session, and the dreaded dress-up ordeal. Ugh, the thought alone made me cringe. And interacting with people, a whole big no. I'd rather be kidnapped from my own wedding, someone please save me from this madness!

 I'd rather be kidnapped from my own wedding, someone please save me from this madness!

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End Note

In the original version from 2018, Y/n was 21 and Taehyung was 23. However, in the rewrite, I changed their ages to 25 and 27. Oops! My mistake - I forgot to update Y/n's age, which led to some confusion about them having 6 year age gap. I'm sorry for any confusion caused, but I've fixed it now.

Also, I totally forgot to upload the cast chapters! My bad. I'll be uploading them right after this.

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