12: Hop on Lauren

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"Good, you're learning fast, can you read this line for me now?" Lauren asked her mate. 

"W-we li-ke to hop on  to-p of pop." (Y/N) managed to read.

Lauren kissed the top of her head, grinning from ear to ear at her mates achievement.

"Good job (Y/N/N)! by this time next week, I bet we could read 'To kill a mocking bird' together!" Lauren cheered, loving the idea of sharing her favorite novel with her favorite everything.

"Hop hop hop, hop on pop!" (Y/N) said laughing as she jumped and spun around the room as Lauren watched her with affection.

The two were broken out of there moment by a knock on the door.

"Alpha, Luna." Camila said, bowing after entering.

"Lunch has been served, all in the pack house are waiting for you in the dinning room." Camila informed them.

"Thank you, Camz. We will be down in a moment." Lauren told her, the Beta taking this as her moment to leave.

Closing the book, Lauren placed it to the side before standing from her seat and making her way to the door, (Y/N) following behind her.

It was routine now. The pack couldn't eat until Alpha and Luna were seated and served first, any act against that would be disrespectful to them.

Making their way into the dinning room, Lauren placed (Y/N) onto her elevated seat beside her before sitting down, the chef serving them soon after.

Once everyone had their food, Lauren told them to dig in before starting to herself, watching as (Y/N) tried her best to not make a mess.

Lauren laughed to herself knowing it was inevitable, that no matter how hard she tried, she would need a bath after lunch.

"Such a messy little thing." Lauren commented before wiping some sauce off her mates cheek.

(Y/N) whined in annoyance, could she not wait until she was done? She knew she would only get more sauce on her fur, it wasn't as if she could hide the red sauce against her white fur.

Putting her hands up in defense, Lauren returned to her meal.

(Y/N) stared at Lauren as the Alpha piled a mountain of bubbles on her mates head as she laughed.

"You need a bath too?" (Y/N) asked as she watched Lauren.

Tearing her eyes away from the bubbles and to her mates, Lauren smiled and shook her head. "I don't need a bath now, I'll have one after dinner." Lauren assured.

(Y/N) huffed before sticking her nose out and dramatically sniffing the air. "Phew, you need a bath." she said, using her wet paw to cover her nose.

Lauren raised her eyebrows at this action and scoffed. "I do not smell." She stated with full confidence.

(Y/N) shook her head as she pawed at her nose and scooted back.

Watching her mate, Lauren took a hesitant sniff of her arm pit before shying away. "I don't smell that bad..." She whispered, followed by her mate sneezing a few seconds later.

"Fine, I'll have a bath too..." Lauren said sulkily. 

"Wolf wolf wolf!" (Y/N) chanted as she hopped around the bath.

"Fine, fine. Stop splashing water everywhere you little snowball." Lauren said as she rolled her eyes in a playful manner.

Happily sitting down and waiting for her mate, Lauren took this a her cue to exit the bathroom to shift before entering again.

Carefully stepping into the tub, Lauren laid down to submerge herself into the water.

Not five seconds late, (Y/N) was jumping around again. "Hop hop hop, hop on Lo!" She chanted as she scrambled up her mates side to be on top of Lauren. 

Lauren let this go on for a few minutes before she turned to place a big sloppy kiss on the younger wolfs cheek, causing (Y/N) to stop hopping around in shock.

Lauren then took this as her chance to pull the small wolf into her chest and start cleaning and grooming her, enjoying the rest of their quiet bath together.

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