Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you guys can't make it?" I tried to hide my disappointment as I asked Jazz again for the nth time.

Saturday afternoon and I'm full pack with energy and excitement for our trip tonight. Not until Jazz knocked at my door to drop the bomb. She and Azzi can't make it tonight because of Azzi's parents surprised visit.

"Im really sorry Hails, but we can do it tomorrow?" she tried to propose and I don't have any choice but to nod and give her a small smile.

"Of course, just enjoy the night with the parents.."

"Thanks!" she squeals "Atleast Yoona can join us tomorrow. The gallery will free her since it's Sunday."

I nod in agreement, excited to see the City with my first friend here in Paris. Lately I haven't really hanged out with Yoona. She's busy with school and work. So, knowing that she'll be with us excites me.

"I'll tell her about it when she arrive.. That... if I'm still awake" because sometimes she arrives really late.

"Cool! or just call her or you can even leave her a mes--"

"Hey Hailey! You ready?"

Jaz what cut off by someone. We both lean to that direction. Surprise to see Andrew there. I mentally slap myself! I almost forgot his favor awhile ago when I bumped into him in the library. He asked for my help regarding his physics assignment and in return he will treat me to the ice cream parlor in the main cafeteria. I tried to decline, his assignment is not actually hard but he said he'll feel bad if I did. So I took his offer, besides, I think it's a friendly gesture too.

"Andrew..." I called him and he steps closer us.

"Good to see you Jazmine." He greeted which Jazz returned with a fist bump.

"You too, Drew"

Jazz gave me a knowing-criticizing-scrutinizing look. I shake my head to let her know that whatever she's thinking, is wrong.

"Uhm.... she's going to help me with my physics" Andrew added. She nods in agreement but the look remains in her doll face. Thank God boys is oblivious on that aspect.

"No problem! Actually have fun, you two. " she finally said as she breaks into a huge grin and winked at me before she took her leave. I sighed.

I took my hoodie to cover the panda design stitched in my shirt. Good thing Andrew didn't notice it since he is busy checking the inside of my room.

"you ready?" I asked as I grab my keys. 

"yep!" he said, popping the p.

As we walked out of the dormitories towards the frizzing streets of Notre Dame International School which is two streets away from the main cafeteria, we talked about how my friendship with Jazz and the others started. I've known also that he's classmate with Yoona and Jazz last semester, that explains why they knew each other.

"So.. you usually go out with them on Saturday nights?" He asked

"No.." I shook my head.  " Actually, it's supposed to be our first night out. But hey, we won't go to clubs and get wasted. We will tour the City" I added

The cafeteria is not that packed when we got there. We head directly to the Ice Cream parlor. The lady in a neon blue dress and a hair bond with an ice cream design which is surprisingly cute, smiled and greeted us as we enter.

We placed our order and sat at the table near the window. He took out his two page assignment as I scan the dining hall. Where the main line for International cuisine, I forgot that it's still early for dinner.

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