Chapter 5

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The head wraps up his speech living us with the theme "Learn Wisely, Live Amply", and Jaz bounds off to join the guys, Azzi welcoming her with a hug as if he didnt see her just an hour ago.

Yoona said our class in Philosophy will start in ten minutes, so we head there before the bell rings.

We crossed the bridge connecting the two buildings, and head for the next building, I learned that our room is on the third floor. Good thing Yoona knows every corner of this school, if not, I'll be late on my first class.

The proffeseur already arrived, and the only seat available is the front seat. She smiled to us as she scans the room. I check my watch and see that we were at least 4 minutes early. She might have just come earlier since its the first day of class.

"She's usually early, way to early actually she arrives before anyone else does" Yoona says. "But you don't have to worry, she's too kind like a mom. The best!"

"My mom is far from kind" I blurt out without thinking.

Like a reflex, I don't have to think before doing it.

"Aw, really?"

"Yeah, but she's not that bad" I tried to at least put some appreciation on her.

I can't say that she's more like another person, not my mom. The only mother attribute that she has is trying to control my life.

"Of course, all moms are kind in their own way, especially to their children" yeah, except from mine. I tried to reciprocate her sympathetic smile.

"What's up! Why did you two left me? I was looking for you guys" Jaz plops her sling bag next to Yoona. Damien trails in behind her and takes the seat beside me.

"We thought you need some smooching time with your man" Yoona says.

I laugh " sorry, we just dont want to bother you"

"Oh you didn't have to! We have lots of time to do that later tonight" she winks as Yoona laugh.

"Ok ok, but you don't have to fill us with the information. As much as you want to spill it, were not interested. " Yoona says as Damien leans back in his chair and crossed his arms in front of him.

"Alright, I'm just saving you some energy here, Im sure you'll ask me to gossip about it sooner or later"

"And if she does that, I'm out of here" I continued as I laugh "and then you could fill Yoona's curious mind with the information"

"Ugh! I hate you both!" Yoona says and Jaz and Damien laugh together.

"Where's Azzi?" I ask

"He's in his photography class." Jaz says, I nod. "I dropped him off to class"

"I see," I can't find other words to answer that.

"It's the only class that he's actually interested in" she continues.

"Can I see your class list?" Damien leans forward and snatch my schedule from my hand before I can even answer. "Ohh, French 101"

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