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Yes I know I've been gone for a while and I'm sorry! I've been super busy with school and work!

Lupita's POV

"Morning peeps!" I beamed walking up to Angel, Maze and Daniel. They smiled at me while Maze rubbed her head looking at me.

"Oh Lupita it's too early for you to be this cheery," She groaned taking the bagel from my tray taking a bite of it. I giggled seeing she had another night of fun.

"Well looks like someone had a fun night last night," I said sitting down at our usual table, Students poured in to get breakfast at the cafeteria.

"You have no idea," She smirked eating her bagel, i set my books on the table as I began spreading Jam all over my bagel.

"How was the party anyways? I heard the cops showed up-Did they raid the place-oh wait! I heard they arrested like three people-You think they found marijuana at the scene?" I whispered leaning in so that bystanders wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Lupita have you been watching criminal minds again?" Angel questioned raising his eyebrow at me. I sunk in my chair slowly raising my bagel to my mouth.

"Maybe," I slowly said taking a bit of my bagel, Daniel chuckled at me shaking his head.

"Remind me again why we put up with you?" Daniel questioned smirking at me, I narrowed my eyes at him finishing my bagel.

"Because Tia Soña said so and plus you guys know you love me," I stated and they nodded their heads at me.

"Heads up," Daniel said nodding his head towards the corridors of the cafeteria, Oscar and his entourage had now walked in and the entire school parted like the Red Sea.

"You I don't get his deal." Maze stated kicking her feet up on the table. I shook my head at her.

"I heard he killed a guy," Angel said nodding and we looked at him like he had grown another head.

"What I had a source," he defended and I crossed my arms over my chest raising my eyebrows at him.

"Ooh I think someone has an admirer," Maze smirked and I looked over to see that Oscar was staring right at us. I smiled waving at him, he eyed me like a hawk and simply turned his head.

"Oohh," They all staid and I rolled my eyes at them.

"If you must know that's progress..The last time I waved I got a glare.. This time no glare! He's not good with showing emotion," I whispered the last part as if he could hear me, Seeing he was like 50 years away from me.

"Oh Lupita you poor soul," Daniel stated sadly I was going to say something but the bell rang signaling we had class.

"Well my lovely people I'd love to sit and chat but academics call," I stated hugging each and every one of them.

"See you later!" I yelled over my shoulder with my books in hand, I snaked my way through the student filled hallway to my locker.

"Hey Lupita!" I heard from the passing students, I smiled saying my hello's. I grabbed the books and assignments I needed heading to class. I was to busy stuffing items into my book bag I didn't watch where I was going and crashed into someone dropping some of my stuff.

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