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Watch from 5:15-5:55!!!!


I sighed walking down the hall to my locker, To day I hated this place was an understatement. I loathed it. Despised it and everyone it in except for a handful of people. I opened my locker grabbing the books I need for the day. I got the sensation of someone staring at me and I looked over my shoulder to see Cesar was talking to his friends looking in my direction.

I shook my head turning back to my locker, he couldn't be staring at me right? No that's crazy. I shook my head of the idea closing the locker, I yelped seeing my best friend was standing by my locker. I hadn't heard her walk up.

"Jesus! Marissa don't do that!" I whined slapping her shoulder.

"You know how jumpy I get," I said throwing my bag over my shoulder, She giggled smirking at me.

"Sorry amiga But you are just so gullible.. Anyways I saw Cedar starring at you," She said wiggling her eyebrows, I rolled my eyes as we walked down the student filled hallway.

"No he wasn't," I said as we maneuvered through the hallway trying to get to our next class. We had Animal Biology next And I was not excited about that. Don't get me wrong I loved animals but I hate insects.

"I don't know why you took this class allow we do is interact with Insects," Marissa said and I shivered thinking about it. I hated spiders, my worst fear.

"Yeah yeah," I said dismissing her comment as we walked into the class, Marissa and I sat in the front of the class while other students piled in. We were talking and all of a sudden she stopped smirking at me, I followed her gaze seeing Cesar and Ruby had walked into our class.

"Okay class let us all get settled in!" Mr. Peña announced, We had been learning about the Autonomy of you guessed it.. Spiders. Pictures I'm okay with, give me the real thing I will freak out.

"Okay class today we will be meeting a special someone.. Everyone Welcome Lucas," He announced placing a humongous tarantula on his desks. I gasped clutching onto marissa's arm.

"Marissa..Marissa," I whispered/yelled and she took my hands in hers.

"Y/N breath breath it's okay look he's over there you're over here.. Mira Cancela Cancela!!" She said snapping her fingers and I did as well trying to calm myself down.

"Okay no biggie I can do this keep...That thing.. At a distance.. What's the worst that can happen?" I told her and she nodded, Mr. Peña passed out an packet to us and we had to name certain parts and bones of the Tarantula.

I sat there working on my packet, minding my business. I filled my name out turning over the packet. Having a phobia of spiders had its perks, I'd stay up late at night researching them. I figured if I could know about them, they wouldn't scare be as much. But boy was I wrong.

"Okay class now this liquid is rather acidic so please be careful with it," Mr. Peña said and of course students being students and The Universe's job to make my life a living hell. I had the luxury of having acid being poured on my clothing.

"Y/N get to the emergency shower now!" Mr. Peña yelled and I quickly ran to the back of the class getting in the shower. I closed the door pressing the button. I let the cold water run over my body as I did my best to wash off the acid off my hoodie. I took it off placing it on the floor. I wiped my face as the water stopped, The door opened and I expected to see a towel but instead I saw the Tarantula that was supposed to be in Mr. Peña's desk.

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