Soooky Part 2

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Sadly this book is coming to an end! I just wanted to let you guys know that I will be doing a couple more chapters so if you have requests get them in now!

Thank you for all the love and support on this from the bottom of my heart thank you. 💕

Oscar's POV

I sat there in the waiting room, Y/N necklace wrapped around my fingertips as I remembered. I remembered all of the good and bad times we had, The way she would get mad at me. When she was mad, She was mad. Mi trompuda, Mi Tesoro, Mi Vida, Mi amor.

Her beautiful eyes, Her soft skin, Her silky beautiful hair, Her soft plump lips. They were made specifically for me to touch and kiss. She was made for me, and I was made to love and care for her. Her laugh, her touch what would I give to hear and feel them. Junior, Julio, Brandon, Y/N's Family And I waited in the lobby to hear news. I got up making my way to the chapel.

"Por Favor Morenita Don't take her from me.. Don't take my only happiness away. My life is destined for disaster and in that disaster I found something beautiful.. I found Y/N please you can't take her from me.. I want to marry her and I want to have kids with her.. I will do anything if you save her.. I will leave the life and better myself for her just please let me see her again," I prayed with tears in my eyes, I kissed her necklace as I finished my prayer. I wiped my tears making my way back to the lobby.

"Any news?" I asked and Junior shook his head resting his head in his hands.

"Don't worry Mano she's going to be fine.. Y/N is strong," Brandon said, When he said that Smokey walked in nodding at us. I got up walking outside with him.

"We found them." He said and I nodded walking but Junior stopped me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me

"What else making shit even," I said and they shook their heads.

"No not right now.. Y/N and her family need you and we need you Mano.. We'll keep an eye on them until we are all ready," Julio said and I nodded thinking about it, if I left and something happened I'd never be able to forgive myself. We walked back into the lobby, Y/N's Mom looked at me smiling sadly. She hugged me kissing my head.

"She's going to be fine mijo.. She loves you so much," She whispered

"And I love her," I whispered my voice breaking.

"Y/F/N," The doctor called and we all crowded around him wanting to know the news.

"I'm truly sorry.. Her wounds were too great. She passed on the table.. The baby unfortunately didn't make it.. She also had this in her hand," He said, His words echoed in my head as my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

"No not my baby

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"No not my baby..Please," Her mother sobbed, I dropped to my knees yelling and sobbing.

"No! No se murio! Y/N no se murio!" I sobbed yelling. Y/N's Mom embraced me in her arms sobbing.

"She's gone Oscar.. She's gone," she sobbed as I yelled and screamed.

"No!! No!!! Y/N! I'm so sorry! It was supposed to be me! I'm so sorry!" I yelled looking at her family and they gave me sympathetic looks.

"No mijo! Do not talk like that! Y/N loved you and you know she would have done anything for you," She said kissing my forehead as I cried. She placed the promise ring in my hand, walking away to attend to her broken family members. I wiped my tears, sitting in the chair. I sobbed clutching the ring and necklace in my hand.

"Y/N why? Por que Dios? Por Que Dios Mio," I whispered with tears trailing down my face. Memories of her beautiful smile and face flooded my mind. The way she said my name, The way she looked at me with her big beautiful eyes.


"We are gathered here today to celebrate a beautiful soul.. Y/F/N.. May the loved ones of the individual come up and say a few words," The pastor said Y/N's mother walked up adjusting the microphone.

"There are so many books on to prepare you for when your child arrives to this world.. But there is no book to prepare you for when they leave it.. Because you never imagine that it will happen to you. A job as a parent is to leave this world before your children do. My Y/N my beautiful baby.. She was light...Sue was the full moon on a clear summer night.. She is the crips summer air. My baby is no longer suffering and I know for a fact she is smiling down on us flowing through the air.. Through the flowers. Oscar would you like to say a few words," She said looking at me and the whole churches faced me. I nodded making my way up to where she was. She kissed my forehead walking off the stage.

"I met Y/N the summer heading into high school. I remember her being so happy. She was always smiling always beaming with joy. Her eyes always glistened with beauty. I knew the first day we looked into each other's eyes. I knew she was going to be mine to love care and protect. It's funny I always wondered how she could love me someone so cold.. Distant.. I didn't know how to love. I didn't know how to do any of those things. When I met her it all changed she broke through my stone cold heart.. She taught me how to love.. She taught me how to feel and Now the only thing I've ever loved is gone, I have no reason to love again. Now In front of all of you and Diosito Himself I promise to Avenge of the death of my Wife and My baby," I said looking at everyone in the church, I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the church doors. The sun was beaming down and in the light I saw a silhouette. It was Y/N she was wearing a floral dress that fit her perfectly, She had a baby in her arms and she had flowers in her hair. She smiled looking at me, Then disappeared back into the light. I leaned forward getting off the stage but by the time I got off the stage she was gone.

"Les Juro.. Les Juro que voy a vengar la Muerta de Y/N,"



I love you guys thank you for reading!!






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