Ruby and Cesar

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This one was requested by king_River I HOPE YOU ENJOY!


I soothed out the wrinkles of my cheer uniform as I walked down the stairs. I smiled passion students in the hallway.

"Hey Y/N," Jamal waved, I smiled walking over to the young group.

"Hey guys! So you guys coming to the football game on Friday?" I asked and they all nodded looking over at Jamal.

"Well since Jamal is playing bench we are going to support him," Cesar said smirking at Jamal. I shook my head scolding him.

"Listen Y/N I have this test c-coming up and I was wondering if you should help me study?" Ruby asked me he was scratching the back of his next nervously. I nodded giggling at how nervous he was.

"Yeah sure ruby.. I can't today though I have to help abuelita while my mom takes the night shift at the hospital," I said ruby nodded smiling.

"Hey Y/N if you don't already have a date to the dance.. freeridge's finest?" Cesar smirked throwing a grape in his mouth.

"I'm flattered honestly but I'm not going to the dance. I close at the diner and even if I didn't have a date to the dance.. Cedar you just aren't my type," I smirked putting on my black shades. It went well with the red, black and white uniform.

"Now if you will excuse me my ride is here," I smiled on cue Oscar's red impala pulled up to the school. I turned over seeing all of their jaws drop. I laughed humorously as I got in the car.

"What's so funny?" Oscar asked smirking at me, I leaned over kissing his cheek.

"Just messing with your brother and his friends," I said as he smirked driving into the direction of my house.

"I'll pick you up at 8:00?" Oscar asked me hopefully and I Gave him sympathetic eyes.

"I can't I have to take care of abuelita Unless you want to come over and have a completely rigged game of poker," I said giggling watching his reaction.

"I'll see you later," I said kissing his cheek. I opened the door my feet about to hit the pavement. Oscar grabbed my hand pulling me back.

"Here," He said handing me a wad of cash. I sighed looking at him.

"You know I can't take this Oscar," I stated and he shrugged taking a drag from his cigarette.

"It's for you and your mom.. Buy groceries put dent in the bills or pay for your Abuelita's medicine," He stayed and I sighed looking down at the money. I heard a car door open and slam.

"Look querida I know you are fully capable of taking your family.. But who's is going to take care of you. That's where I come in. Let me have the peace of mind knowing you have what you need," He whispered taking my face in his hands. I nodded kissing his lips.


I had just finished cleaning when I heard my doorbell go off profusely. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering who it could be. I opened the door to find Cesar and Ruby standing there.


"OSCAR! YOU ARE DATIN OSCAR!?" The both yelled I giggled at their antics.

"When did this happen?"

"How did this happen?!"

"When I was a sophomore and Oscar was a senior we had a thing.. After he was released from prison he came to look for me and the rest was history.. Guys I don't see what the big deal is?" I laughed I was 19 years old and completely capable of making my own decisions.

"It's just Oscar.." ruby started not being able to finish the Sentence.

"Wait.. Are you.. Jealous?" I smirked raising my eyebrows.

"What?! No!"

"Look You need a man that can take care of you and can handle all of that delicious curvaceous self," Ruby stated and I raised an eyebrow at him placing my hand on my hips.

"Okay. Pretty Ricky first off knock it off.. Second look I love you guys and consider you guys my little brothers," I stated and the both sighed looking down at their feet with sad expressions on their face.

"And wouldn't it be weird if I dated someone four years younger than me. I am an eighteen year old so technically I'm an adult and that would not mix well. I'd go to jail... Would you really want to me to go to jail?" I asked and the expressions on their faces was priceless.

"Cesar your brother and I have history. I've known the man since I was in diapers. We did everything together that is until he hit middle school. We are just trying to catch up. Plus do you really think I could avoid your brother forever. He is basically everywhere." I said laughing to lighten the mood.

"Me being with Oscar doesn't change anything. You guys will still be my main squeeze. Come on you guys couldn't have actually thought something would happen between..." I trailed off only imagining what these two hormonal teenagers were thinking.

"Ay dios mio. Look how about you guys look into girls your age.. Cesar I know you like mines.. Ruby what about Olivia? Or Maria I know for a fact she likes you," I smiled obviously seeing the crush Maria had on Ruby.

"Wait really?" He asked lightening up, I nodded looking at him.

"Oh yeah.. Maria totally digs you I mean have you seen the way she looks at you.. How about you guys ask them to the dance?" I suggested and they nodded getting up from my couch.

"Thanks Y/N," They said hugging me, I smiled hugging them back. They grabbed their book bags and walked out of my house.

"Aye esos niños," I said to myself watching them from the window.




If you requested I didn't forget about you!!! I will have one more I believe and I will be caught up! But feel free to requests ☺️

Have a great day love y'all bye!


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