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I sat down behind Susie as Miss Alphys said her usual introduction. Still intrigued by the conversation we just had, I scratched down a little note.

So what was that all about?

I folded the paper and tossed it by her ankle. I kicked her leg lightly. She looked down at her ankle and picked up the note. She read it, scribbled a response, crumpled it up without a care, and chucked it at my head.

((unrelated but my brother's trying to fight Jevil right now and I can hear every time he dies lmao))

what was what about?

I wrote my response.

The conversation, duhhh -_-

idk, i just felt like saying hi


you wanna go?


look, i felt bad for her, ok? She looked upset the other day and i wanted to see how she was

Awww, you're being nice!

shut up

But seriously that was nice of you. You seem to be trying harder to be nice now.

i guess i'm trying to get away from the old me entirely, not just what i had to deal with.

That's understandable.

random question, do you know how to do a ponytail?

Yeah why?

i said random question


whatever nerd

Old you...

fine then, would you prefer i call you krissy-wissy-shmoopy-poo?

Dear god no

that's what i thought 

 "K-Kris, S-Susie, could you p-please n-not pass notes in m-my class?" Ms. Alphys asked politely.

 "Yeah, sorry Ms. A." Susie responded. Everyone, myself included looked at her, surprised.

She truly was making an effort.

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