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Oof get ready for an ouchie

like seriously I was crying while writing it

Kris' Pov

I ended up going back downstairs and waiting next to the phone after 30 seconds of being upstairs. I sat on the couch, tapping my fingers rhythmically. Finally, the phone rang. I snatched it up and answered.

 "Hello, this is the Hometown Police Department, calling to say that Susie Dino is now accepting visitors. You are allowed to come say goodbye." The officer hung up.

 Come say goodbye!? What the hell?!

I didn't want for Toriel to come, I grabbed my coat and rushed out of the house. Running down the icy sidewalk, the air bit my face. I didn't dare slow down. I saw bare trees soon last me as I raced towards the police station. I threw the door open and entered, panting.

"Officer Undyne said that I would be taking over legal custody of you. We have a nice, big house in Middleville, two dogs, and you would have a little brother! You could have a new start and a new life, one where you could escape your past! Please..." 

"Sorry, can you please get the hell out of my way?" I asked as politely as possible. Whoever it was was blocking me. The woman turned around. She looked like Susie but thinner, wore a suit, and her eyes weren't nearly as beautiful. One word registered in my mind:


 "S-sorry." She stepped out of the way to reveal a disheveled and stressed looking Susie. "Susannah, I think you're in this young man's way."

Sorry, what? 

 "I have several comments. First, not a man. Second, Susannah??? The hell??? Third..." I pushed past the woman and ran at Susie. She looked at me. I wrapped my arms around her. She hugged me back.

"Kris-" she began.

"What on earth is going on!? The guy on the phone said that I could "come say goodbye"? Why say goodbye?"

"The police have convinced my mom that I'm going to go live in Middleville with her and her husband." 

"Middleville!? That's really far! You aren't going, are you!?" I felt tears growing at the corners of my eyes.


"Susannah, who is this person?" Susie's mom asked.

"Shut up, Theresa. I'm busy." Susie looked me in the face. Slowly and carefully - a word that I could now very easily imagine using to describe her actions - she swept the hair out of my face. Immediately, I looked away. 

"Kris, look at me." Her voice was gentle, and it broke a little at the end. I followed her directions and my red eyes met her buttercup eyes. Tears prickled in both of our eyes. I stood on my toes and she leaned down. Our lips met, and I momentarily forgot everything.

"I don't know if I have a choice as to whether or not I leave." Her voice broke and she was fully crying now. 

 "No." Susie's mom said, her voice hard. "I won't allow this."


Owie my friends

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