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Susie's Pov

I grabbed Kris' shoulder for support. The pure darkness made me dizzy, and I couldn't tell which was was up and which way was down. So instead of trying to find the entrance and risked falling over, I placed my hand on their shoulder.

Kris nearly jumped out of their skin, damn near causing me to fall backwards. I sighed decided to, instead of attempting to make an accurate 180 degree turn like Kris did, just walk backwards to find the door. I was still dragging Kris along.

Soon enough, we could see again. Kris and I let out a sigh of relief in unison. We both turned around and walked toward the door.

It was then that the door swung shut.

I pounded on the door, searching hopelessly for a doorknob and failing.

"HEY! WHOEVER JUST SLAMMED THIS DOOR ON US< YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE AND LET US OUT!" I demanded. There was no response. I banged on the door once more before turning my back towards it and sinking to the floor.

Now was a very bad time to be claustrophobic. 

The invisible walls seemed to both grow and shrink at the same time, and the dizziness I felt intensified. Then, the floor felt as though it began to shake. That's when Kris started to stumble.

"S-Susie!? What's happening?" They said. I knew I wasn't imagining it.

The floor fell in on us. I reached up to try to grab something, but came up with nothing. As we fell, I felt Kris wrap their arms around me.

And even though I knew that it was just because they were scared...

I liked it.


My eyes fluttered open. I groaned and tried to sit up before realizing that something was on top of me. It wasn't too heavy, but I didn't want to disturb whatever it was, in case it was something alive. 

I looked at the thing on top of me and saw a mess of navy blue hair partially covering a reddish scarf and... was that armour? Weird. The mess of hair began to move, revealing a blue face and red eyes. I didn't recognize the face until...

"Kris!? Dude, you're blue!" I screamed. They looked up with a confused look on their face. 

I watched in shock as they looked down at their arms and gawked. 

"I'm... I'm blue!" They restated. "And you're..." 

I looked at myself. "I look awesome! I never thought I'd say this but pink isn't a terrible color for me." I said, referring to my newly rose-toned skin. I admired my outfit. I had a sick black leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off, studded spike bracelets, a weird golden heart belt thing, and these somewhat baggy plum colored pants with black leather combat boots. I checked to see if I... Nope, still no tail. Darn it.

"Well, I was going to say hot, but awesome works too." Kris said. I did a double take. 

"W-what!?" It was a good thing my skin was already pink, cuz my face was a tomato.

"Did you say something?" they asked. Maybe I just imagined it...?

I shrugged it off and turned to look at our surroundings.

"Hey, Kris??" I said.


"Where... Exactly... Are we???"

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