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Kris' Pov

It had been a few days since I had last seen Susie. Despite her coming on Christmas, I still feared that she had gotten in trouble for it. I just had a really bad sinking feeling. 

We had exchanged phone numbers after dinner on Christmas, and so I sent her a message.

Kris: hey susie 

Susie: sup

Relief flowed through me, but I still felt like something bad was going to happen.

Susie: hey I did all my stuff already today, wanna hang?

Kris: sure

Susie: gr8

Kris: park?

Susie: nah I got a better idea

Susie: but meet me at the park in 10, k?

Kris: yep

I sighed and shoved my sweater on over my undershirt. I grabbed my coat and started walking towards the park and Susie.


I arrived a little early. Seeing a bench open beneath a tree, I sat down and waited. I closed my eyes and allowed my thoughts to drift.

 "Kris...?" a familiar voice called. I opened my eyes. Seeing who it was, I mentally sighed in exasperation.

 "What's up, Noelle?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Ummm... It's a public park...? And I could ask you the same thing."

"I come here every afternoon. Volunteer cleanup committee, ya know? So what's your reason?" She was being pushier than usual.

"Fine, I'm hanging out with Susie, alright? You happy now?" She frowned.

"About Susie..." She began. I groaned. "Look, I just need to know. Are you two really dating?" I was getting really tired of this really fast.

"You know what? Yes, yes we are dating. We're dating, we just didn't want to admit it. We're dating, and I love my girlfriend with all my heart, and it you have a problem with that then you can go pound sand." I immediately regretted the lie.

"...I see." Noelle turned around and walked towards the entrance of the park. On the way, she passed Susie.

" Hey Noe-" Susie began. Noelle walked right past her.

Susie stared after her. I rested my head in my hands, internally cringing at my utter stupidity.

"What's up with her? " Susie asked as she sat down beside me. I sighed.

"I told her we were dating because I was fed up with her pestering me." I said. Susie said nothing for a few seconds.

"That... That, uh, kinda brings me to topic I wanted to talk to you about..."

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