Pancakes For Breakfast: Ace X F!Reader

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It's short but sweet. Something I thought that would be nice to start the new year and this new one-shot book! Hope you like it!


As (Y/n) laid there on her bed, she felt an immense weight on her chest. It was so heavy that it made it difficult for her to breathe. With a strained groan, she tried to lift herself with the support of her skinny arms that she was still able to move. But no matter how much she tried the thing that was on her deemed impossible for her to move.

"Hmm...stop moving woman..." A gruff voice grumbled.

Scratch that she thought, It wasn't a thing, It was a person! She gasped before quickly removing the blanket under her. Silky, raven, bed hair puffed into her face making her cringe back her head from how ticklish they were on her neck, but none the less, she relaxed now that she knew that it was just her boyfriend being annoying again.

"Aceee..." She groaned, "Get off of're crushing my spleen!"

"You don't even know where your spleen is."

"Still, I can't breath," He huffed and rolled off of her but the small bed that the two shared had uncomfortable spacing. 'Such a pain...' She thought.

Wanting more space for herself she kicked him off the bed, making him hit the cold floorboard with a thump. She sighed, 'Better.'

"What a charming lover I have..." He huffed, (Y/n) giggled. "Well if you're awake enough to know that you kicked me out of bed get up," he ordered. (Y/n) frowned and regretted her decision.

"I just got back from a mission... Let me sleep dammit!" (Y/n) buried her head deep into a pillow and kicked her legs against the mattress.

"No," he said sternly and swiped the warm blanket off of her. "You are getting out of bed..." Ace grabbed her ankles making her tense, "Whether you like it..." (y/n)'s head shot up and turned behind her when she felt pressure on her ankles. "Or not!" Before she knew it, she was yanked off the bed.

"I don't wanna, I need to hibernate!" Whined (Y/n) and kicked around like a small toddler.

"What?" Ace questioned, "It's not cold out! And you're not an animal that needs hibernation!"

"Says the man that can turn into fire himself!"

"Just wake up already (y/n)!"

"NOOOOOOOO!" Ace shoulders slumped down and looked at (y/n) with a deadpanned look.

"Alright... that's it..." Without further warning, he bent down and lifted his childish lover. She yelped, making Ace chuckle at their adorable reaction.

"P-put me down!"

"Nope," He popped the 'p' for emphasis and kissed their nose. He sat back down on the bed with (y/n) still in his arms, both enjoying the silence and each other's company. A loud growl was heard from (y/n)'s stomach and her face flushed from embarrassment. She turned her head to the crook of Ace's neck making him smile. He rose from his spot still containing (y/n) in his arms and begun to walk towards the door

"What do you want Thatch to make for breakfast?" He asked.

"Pancakes..." (y/n) mumbled, "With whipped cream."

"Good idea, I think I'll have some too."

"Hey, Ace?" (y/n) whispered.


"I love you, and happy birthday..." She muttered shyly. He smiled softly and kissed their forehead lovingly.

"I Love you too," He then walked out the door to carry out his lover's request.


Hope everyone had happy holidays and an amazing New Years!

~Love Ani


One Piece X Reader One Shots (Slow update posts!!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora