When a Mother Protects Her Children: Father!Rayleigh X Mother!Reader

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This was requested by @kiwipineapples.

Lol, This took me a while since I never really wrote about him. That and the fact that he's also married to someone. Lots of personal things happened in the way and I wanted to post this before the month ended. I hoped you liked it I'm sorry if the ending was a bit rushed, I'll see what I can think of if it ever comes. But for now, enjoy!


There was not much to do on the ship of the Roger Pirates, and it was killing the senses of the crewmen. They were left in a haze in the middle of nowhere, left with nothing to do but to twiddle their thumbs and count the seconds that continued to tick by lazily. Their captain, Gol D. Roger, walked out on deck to observe their surroundings when suddenly the ship rocked violently, throwing crew to the railings and people against the mast. Cannonballs plunged next to the ship as people ran around like headless chickens.

Through the clearing of smoke and water, another ship was made visible. Roger looked out at the flag, trying to make out who's crew it was, but to no avail.

"Ship on the starboard side, incoming fast and heavily armed!" A man yelled from the crows' nest. Roger prepared for battle as well as the other crew members. As the enemies neared ropes were thrown over the ship's deck hooking to the side of the railings. With the boats traveling forwards, the ropes tightened smashing the ships together.

Enemies overran the deck, clashing swords with members of the Roger pirates. Blood was shed and people were lost. As the fight continued on, the opposing pirates started to cower. More and more enemies escaped back onto their ships and the ropes began to loosen. The Roger pirates chased others off the ship and sent them swimming back for their vessel.

As the two ships parted a silhouette appeared on the sail beams of the crows' nest. A woman with (H/l) (H/c) hair could be made out holding two kids who looked no older than fourteen; one with long, bright blue hair and another who was short and red. Following behind them was a beaten up man holding a gun to the woman's head.

Roger and his crew watched as their enemies forced the woman to the end of the beam. Her and the kids looking out over the crowded ocean. Deadly spikes of wood protruded from the water as other pieces of metal sunk. The woman took one more step before pushing the children behind her, her feet shuffling towards the end. As the woman moved slowly, the man behind her crew impatient and pistol-whipped her in the back of the head. Successfully knocking her over the edge and into the ocean, followed by the two kids she tried to protect. Their pleas for help were ignored as the enemy ship disappeared.

~ Time Skip ~

After the fight, the ship became quieter but the crewmen became more alert while on deck. Down in the halls and its infirmary, laid the resting woman from the battle before. She was resting on the small but comfortable bed with clean bandages and clothes, her steady breathing matched the creaking boards of the rocking ship. She stirred in her sleep and groaned when sunlight hit her face.

"Buggy...Shanks...Time to get up..." she muttered and started to feel the empty space around her as if expecting to find at least one familiar body near her. When she felt nothing she fluttered her eyes open. "Buggy?" she called out, "Shanks?" She threw the blanket off her in hopes that one of the boys would be there but the only thing that remained in bed was her own body.

"Buggy! Shanks!" throwing her legs over the edge of the bed she stood up immediately and made a dash towards the door. However, when her foot harshly planted into the floor below her pain shot everywhere in her body making her crumble pathetically.

'Shit, everything hurts!' She thought while gritting her teeth.

"Buggy! Shanks!" she cried, "Where are you!" It took her awhile for her weak, trembling arm to pick herself up, but with the help of the bed and a nearby desk she managed to get up on her feet but had to remain hunched forward with her hand on her stomach to ease the pain.

One Piece X Reader One Shots (Slow update posts!!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora