To come this far(Dark)

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Nagito's Pov

 I head to a building no one really cares about. It helps me think, and calm my mind. It's normally at night so no one will see me since the kids go to sleep early. However, I do wonder if there's anyone coming to save me. I highly doubted it, with my luck a car  would come  but the person driving it would die leaving just the car intact. I walked to the balcony and looked at the glow of the moon in the nights sky sighing at the terrible outcomes.

I  looked at the decaying city, or at least what's left of it, and saw a girl walking around looking for something, but I was unsure of what. I was curious and decided to head down. As I got down, I saw her look in my direction and aim at me with her f/g. "Please don't shoot me. I only wanted to see why you were walking around in the middle of the night is all." I said knowing talking more could get me killed.

Your Pov

I looked at the strange pale colored boy. He didn't seem to be a threat of any sort so I lowered my weapon to ask a few questions. "Who are you? Are there any more survivors here?" I asked seeing as the city was mostly vacant. "My name is Nagito Komaeda, a peaceful servant, and it's me and  a few other adults trying to survive but believe it or not this is the city of mere children now." He said laughing lightly with a tear in his eye. I believed him, after all I was here to save those trapped here, and the nighttime is probably a good time if any to rescue these people from suffering. "Well, if you can lead me to them I can get us out of here." I assured. "Oh, and my name is Y/n, nice to meet you." He nodded and pulled out a GPS which I didn't know he had and walked towards where the adults were assumed to be.

We had arrived at a sewer and a blocked doorway. I knocked on it only to hear screaming on the other side. What ever happened here it must of been a sight of terror. I shivered at the thought and tried to calm them down. " It's alright! I'm here to get us put of here, you don't need to fear!" I heard whispers from the other side. "You need the secret knock so we can know!" someone shouted. I sighed, they did know this was my first time here right? Nagito walked past me and knocked on the door multiple times in a fashion which lead the people to open the door.  You could have done that this whole time!? He looked at me and chuckled. "You never asked if there was a method." 

I rolled my eyes and walked in seeing many people back away with bats and cans. "T-that's far enough!" the man shouted. I stopped and began to explain to them why I was here. " I've been sent by Makoto Naegi to save those who were imprisoned here. I was told people from many other lands are being sent here too. A few at a time, I will save as many as I can." Nagito held my hand amazed at my speech. "So...beautiful, you truly are my gracious hope." he smiled. I blushed at his remark and looked back at everyone who thought we were sketchy. "What will we escape with?" a little girl asked. " I have a plane, its mean't to be quieter than a regular one. It's also mean't to hold 20 people." I said.

I looked around to see 35 people in total. Not everyone could be saved. 

I was tapped on the shoulder as I felt great worry. It was Nagito looking sad at me. "You can do this, where did that beautiful hope filled face go?" he said caressing my cheek, close enough to kiss me. A man cleared his throat and Nagito saw what he was doing and backed away. "I think the elderly should go first." he said. "Are you crazy!? They lived a good life we still have plenty of life to live! Those old farts can stay here for all I care!" another man shouted. Nagito sighed. "What a shame, you fell to despair before a pleasant heroine comes before you. Hope was already taken from you at the moment you didn't care about those less fortunate." The man grabbed Nagito by his chain. "LOOK, I HAVE A FAMILY, AND I'M FILTHY RICH, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TEST ME!?" he said with swirls in his eyes. 

Nagito looked at him with larger swirls in his eyes and smiled. "Of course! I'd love to test you, you could easily kill me, or watch as my illness finally finishes the job, or you could throw me at a wall. So many choices for despair!" He said hugging himself. The man shook his head with the swirls leaving him, he backed away from Nagito. "Your freaking psycho." the man said in a shaky voice. I watched as this all happened and snapped out of just watching and began to decide who goes.

First were the children who weren't wearing those masks, then a few adults and elderly.  As everything was setting up I felt a great worry wash over me once again. I wasn't sure why but it made me feel unsafe about driving the plane. I shook my head and got on the plane and Nagito was in the passenger seat of the flight and whistled at me in a good looks manner. " To think were going to be saved  by such an attractive woman fills me with hope!" I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek leaving a slight blush on his face.

I took off in the plane and saw that the sun as about to rise. I felt happy that I finally was going to complete my very first mission on my own! At least, I thought so.

The engine began to fail, the alert sound was blasting in my ear and the plane was being torn apart by vicious white and black bears. Many people were being snatched out the windows and tossed from 500 meters up.  One climbed in front of where I was  and grabbed me through the glass  causing the plane to go straight down and since no one knew how to drive the plane they would be crashing. I tried to get my gun, but my arm was cut off by the razor sharp claws of the robot Monokuma. I screamed in agony and the Monokuma tossed me right where the plane was going to crash. 

This is how it ended for me. My first mission was my la-

Nagito's Pov

The second time in my life, I had survived a plane crash and no one else did. I looked for Y/n's body and saw it with shards of metal in her stomach. I cried, and looked at her. " I'm so sorry, we could've become something. If I had just told you my Ultimat-" "Mister Servant!" Monica cheered and grabbed me by my chain. "Running a way is useless, now come on it's time for you to make breakfast! Meow!" I sighed and agreed heading back to my way of life.

My Most Beautiful Hope (Servant! Nagito x Reader One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now