The reliable one (sweet)

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(f/w - Favorite weapon, its a gun though)

Your POV

"Shirokuma asked me if I wanted to be the supply gatherer for the resistance. I didn't mind, after all I always had my f/w here with me if any Monokuma's wanted to battle. But I should keep a low profile, who knows how many children could spot me in an instant."

Third person POV

Y/n traveled around searching for supplies around Towa city, which to their luck found plenty. Little did she know, a cream color haired boy was watching her from a monitor. They never met, but every time he saw them he was filled with hope. A sensational type of hope which led him to want to meet with them.

Nagito's POV

Ah, there she is once again, the one they send to gather their supplies. Such a tough task leading to such despair. Yet, continuing to succeed with such hope! They are very interesting indeed, I must thank them for giving me even the slightest of hope.

I walked towards the children, knowing around this time they would be hungry. "What would you like me to get you today?" I asked in my usual tone. Monica turned around with a smile. "Pancakes sound great!" Nagisa tilted his head. "But Monica surely your tired of eating those? We've had the-" Monica began to shout. " I! Want! Pancakes! Do! You! Understand!?" Jataro sighed. " But I think were out of materials to even have them. What a bummer." Kotoko turned to me. " Well servant, go and fetch those supplies! We don't want Monica mad at all! Monica smiled. "Yay, pancakes for everybody! Meow!"

I smirked under my breath, pleased that my plan worked. "Of course, I'll get them at once." I walked away and went in search for the girl who gave me hope.

Your POV

I finally finished packing 3 backpacks worth of supplies for the resistance. The backpack was super heavy, but I wasn't going to complain about it. I continued on my path back to where home base was but I noticed my map was missing! "Shoot, this is going to take forever." I mumbled out of anger. I sat my bags down moving my arms to readjust my sockets. I carefully checked around corners of the building I was near and see Monokuma's slicing peoples insides out.

"Are you scared?" I heard a whisper in my ear. I held back a scream and turned to see a pale, cream haired boy smiling, but he had a chain around his neck and I didn't know how he found me whatsoever. "W-who are you?" I lowered my voice just enough so he can only hear. " I am just a servant, nothing else in particular." I was confused so I asked more questions. " What do you mean a servant, and why do you have that chain around your neck? Are you like some spy?" The servant only laughed but answered them all. "I serve the Warriors of Hope, the children found it funny to put me through pain, and I could if I wanted." I took a step back about to slap him, but he grabbed my arm. "Do I scare you? I didn't come here to give a bad intention."

I looked at him face full of rage, but decided to listen. "What did you come here for then?" He smiled as I asked and put my hand on his cheek. " I wanted to see the weakest person who gave me the slightest of hope. Even though you fight your odds are a trillion to one, let alone you carry such heavy bags to return to your people with. Still, at that you continue to come back every now and then!" The servant said and his eyes developed swirls. "Despair itself, cannot triumph even this small chance of hope!" I got my hand back, and heard the Monokuma's walking this way. I didn't mind talking to crazy people but this guy is a fruit loop. " Uh, hey can you at least help me? I've got reserved ammo, and I don't have a map."

Nagito's POV

A chance to assist hope? I graciously accepted. "Walk out in the open with me." I smiled knowing she would probably say I'm crazy. "Are you insane? I will die!" I chuckled at her innocent whine. " But I said with me, so we would both die right?" She took a moment of thought and nodded. "I'll trust you, for now. Till your dead that is." She said terrified. "Your hope in me, is so refreshing, but your coming too." I grabbed her and we walked out in the street to see Monokuma's watching us with their red glowing eyes.

Your POV

I held on tight to the servants arm, I knew it was stupid to walk out here like this. Why didn't I follow my gut feeling!? I closed my eyes and braced for the worst. During that time, I felt something on my lips and I opened my eyes only to see the servant kissing me. I turned bright red at that moment, but that plan worked. The Monokuma's walked off, leaving only us two upon the street. " Ah, that kiss was actually filled with more hope than expected." he said smiling. I turned away and grabbed my bags then my weapon. "T-thanks for your help, but how do I get back to my people?" I asked still trying to calm down from the kiss. "You'll continue down this street and take two lefts then there should be an area leading to the sewers. "He said, back to a low voice. I nodded, then he waved a bye to me and began to trail off. I sat my bags down, went after him, then hugged him, and whispered in his ear. " You know, your pretty reliable, do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise." I smiled looking at him, kissing his cheek while quite embarrassed. Then, I walked off.

Nagito's POV

No y/n, your the reliable one. I felt quite hopeful even though I'm still a Remnant of Despair. I hugged myself with swirls in my eyes and I hear a buzz on my monitor. Monica seemed to be mad. "Pancakes! For! Everybody! Where! Are! The! Materials!?" But I'm a lowly servant, and I'd be nothing more than that.

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