Chapter 11: Unforgettable Secrets

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Several weeks later...

Amethyst P.O.V
I wake up to the soft sound of the machine beeping to my left again. I sit up in the hospital bed and look to my left and see Pearl asleep with wires and stuff hooked up to her. I get up and walk a few steps over to her, looking at her with a little bit of sorrow. I move her hair out of her face and kiss her lips lightly. She stirs a little and opens her eyes slowly saying to me "W-Who's there?" I smile small and reply "It's me love, Amethyst." "Amethyst? I'm sorry I don't think I know you." and with that she proceeds to press the 'Help' button signaling the nurse to come to the room. "Is there something wrong?" Nurse Reid asks us. "Yes, who is this woman in my room?" Pearl asks before I speak. "Pearl, that's your girlfriend, Amethyst Quartz. Do you remember anyone at all?" She asks Pearl getting on the other side of her. "I remember Garnet.....Chris.....Boris...Tanaji......Bismuth..and some others." She says and smiles small after she says Garnet. "Where is Garnet by the way? I miss her and I want to see her, someone hand me a phone." She says as she tries to sit up but immediate regret fills her face as she groans and falls back down on her bed. "Pearl baby, Garnet died months ago of a gun shot wound to the heart." I said to her as her face quickly grows red and angry. "Lies!! How am I supposed to believe a woman that I don't even know! Get the fuck out now!!" Pearl yells at me and I tear up and leave the room.

Nurse Reid comes out after 5 minutes and looks at me. "Come with me, Dr. Harrington was afraid of this but she asked to see you right away if something was wrong, and there is." She says. I follow her down the hall and into a room with Dr. Harrington on her computer at a desk. "Amethyst, I have some bad news. Pearl is showing signs of amnesia, specifically retrograde. I did a brain scan when the both of you were asleep and I saw that her hippocampus is damaged, but we can help her heal with time. This type of amnesia is rarer of the two types. Retrograde amnesia is where a person's pre-existing memories are lost to conscious recollection beyond any degree of forgetfulness. But, she may be able to memorize new things which is the good news." Dr. Harrington says as my heart just sunk slowly. "How do I tell the woman I love who I am? What we've been through? Who she is? What she's been through before me and I barely know that?!" I yelled at her little more than I had thought. "Ms. Quartz please, I'm sorry. I can prescribe her some pills to take to help her memorize things as she progresses, but other than that she is free to go, there is nothing else we can do for her here. She's healed quickly and has full mobility in all her body again, although she may be sore. She's strong Amethyst, she will overcome this with your help I promise. I will continue to do everything I can." She says while looking at me with sympathy. "Ok, sorry for yelling at you, but thank you for everything. We'll be in touch." I smile small as she does too and she hugs me as I hug back.

I open the door back to Pearl's room and I see her crying with her head in her hands.  "Look Pearl, I'm sorry for what happened to Garnet. I didn't meet her physically, but I did in a dream. She told me that I have to stay with you, and that dangers lie within the future. She didn't tell you this but she had leukemia and within 2 days, she would've died because of secret chemo treatments. She loves you so much and she is watching over you every single day. But, we have to stick together, Garnet Davis would've wanted that." I say to her as she looks up at me. "So, you really do know your girlfriend huh?" She says with a small laugh as I smile. "I do, now, lets go home." I tell her as I help her out of bed. She looks down at me and kisses me as I blush and kiss back; there are those damn butterflies in my stomach again. She breaks the kiss and says "Damn, now that is a kiss. You've got to be mine in order to have a pair of lips like that." Pearl says with that signature smirk that gets me weak to my knees. "That's my perfect Pearl Grant." I say as she smiles and walks into the bathroom and changes. She comes back out and walks slowly because she is still very sore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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