Chapter 7: Progress

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Amethyst P.O.V

I arrived in Chicago after a 13 hour and few minutes drive, but I got there. Its nice but the again all the drama that happens here. I get out the car and walk in the hotel and go to the front desk with an assistant holding my bags for me. "Hello, I'm Amethyst Quartz, I made a reservation for a golden suite, 1 week?" I say/ask the girl at the front desk that paid attention to the computer in front of her face the entire time I spoke. She looks up at me and says "Oh yes! Here are your keys Ms.Quartz, please have our staff take your bags up to your room and enjoy your stay!" Courtney says as she gives me my keys and calls over one of the staff to carry my things. 

"Thank you Boris, I'll talk to you later." I say to my assistant/driver that carried my things in here for me and I kiss his cheek as he smiled and says "Its no problem Ms.Quartz, should I let Ms.Grant know that you made it here safely?" he asks and I shake my head 'no'. "That's ok Bor, I'll call her myself. Make sure to get some rest, you do have to drive me tomorrow." I say to him and he nods while taking his keys and we part our separate ways. Our rooms aren't too far from each other so that's good, plus he's a really nice guy that also very loyal. I make it to my room with the staff man and opened the door and smiled. "Is your room ok Ms.Quartz?" the staff man asks me. "Yes, its perfect thank you." I say and he smiles and sets my bags down inside. "I'm glad and please enjoy your stay at the Peninsula." he says and walks out as I admire the three rooms in the suite, its just perfect for one person. 


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