Act 13 - I Love You, Goodbye

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Its been a week since Ryan saw Ashley. She never shown up. And he is embarass to go to her unit cause he knows she is breaking up with his brother. That's why he is so shock when she enter his office. She occupy the seat in front of his desk.

"Your here."

"Yeah. Im here. Im not staying long. I just want to tell you something."

"Go on."

"You can breath easy now. Pete and I.... we are through. Lucy have him for good."

Ryan knows that but still he nod. "Finally."

"Yeah. It's over."

"Whats your plan?"

"Going back to France I guess. Continue my modeling career."

"Until when are you going to be a model?"

"I dont know. Maybe until I get older. Until nobody need my service I guess."

"I wish you luck."

"Thanks. Im sorry Ryan but I still have a problem."

"What is that?"

"Im falling in love with you." her tear fell down on her cheeks. "I think I love you."

Ryan's jaw drop. This is too much information for him. "Your what?"

"I dont know what happend but it just happend. I told you your the one who will fall for me but that happend in a different way. Iam the one who is in love. And hurting now cause you cant love me back. But dont worry too much. I wont caused you any harm. Here."

She gives him her engagement ring.

"Goodbye Ryan. I wont forget you."

She start to walk away. Ryan stop her by grabbing her arm.

"Are you... Are you okay?"

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