Act 8 - The Naked Truth

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It's been over an hour but Ashley is still in the bathroom. Ryan start to worry. He knocks at the door.

"Ashley? What took you so long?"

No answer. He knocks again. Still no answer. Slowly he open the door.


He smells the aroma oil that she puts on the tub. The light is dim. He peeks at the shower curtain. Ashley is still there. Sitting. The water is above her chest.

"Arent you done yet? Dont soak yourself too long."

Still she dont answer. Her eyes are close.

"Hoy Ashley-"

She fell down on her side when he push her on her shoulder.

"Hey!" he realized that she is unconcious. He jumps on the tub and suddenly stop. "Sh*t she's naked."

He get her towel and cover her body before carrying her.

"Ashley wake up."

No answer. Slowly he put her on the couch. Get another dry towel and dry her body and hair.

"So this is why Pete love her. She looks so innocent while sleeping. Except this big bruise on her left jaw."

He shook his head while drying her hair. He rose and get her undies. Slowly he put her undies. After that his face is full of sweat.

"So putting the undies on are harder than taking it off ha."

Finally he put her robe and take her to her bedroom. He calls a doctor then he change her wet clothes.

The doctor said she's fine. She just overdue the heat of the tub. She has a lot of scratches and claw marks. The bruise will be visible by week. He give him a medication so no scars will be left.

"This is too much."  The doctor said when he handed him the payment.

"Its fine. You know her. And you dont see anything right?"

"Yes. I'll go ahead."

Ryan look at Ashley when the doctor leave.

"Who did this to you."

The next morning Ashley woke up with a jaw ache. She stand up. She think what happend. Then we she remember she check herself. Her undies change. Her skin has a lot of scratch. She looks at the mirror. She shout when she saw the violet mark in her jaw. It is painful when she touch it.

"Ashley? Why you shouted?"

"You! You change my clothes! You saw my body?!"

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