Prologue - Cinderella Who?

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"Oh my gosh. Im almost late."

Ashley rush into the lobby of the hotel to go in the venue of the La Jolie. A prestigious ramp for model who want to be discover by the scouts all over the world.

"Ahm miss. I think you drop this."

She looks back in the man rushing toward her carrying her shoe.

"Oh I need this. Thank you."

Shes really in hurry so she leaves the good samaritan quickly and hurry in an elevator while carrying all of her stuff.

In backstage, she do her own make-up. Dress herself. And do her hair.

She has a career back in the Philippines but going to France will take her a lot of fortune especially her who is just starting and just trying her luck.

"Alright France. Here comes Ashley Cabrera."

She tell herself before going out to ramp and walk perfectly. She came out trice with different dresses and walk and smile perfectly.

The night is perfect untill the show is over except one.

Nobody came near her and approach her to be a model of any brand in the after party event.

Sad and devastated, she sat at the venue cocktail bar and drink alone.


She looks up the man who sit beside her. "Excuse me?"

"Im right. Your the lady who drop her shoe at the lobby. Remember me?"

"Oh yah. Thank you again. Sorry I dont recognized you."

"Its fine. Your in hurry. So your a model. I saw you on ramp."

"Sort of."

"Sort of? But you walk good."

"But I have no luck. No scout approach me. I waste my money going here all the way from Philippines."

"Your a Pilipino? How come your tall?"

"Genetic. My Dad is tall. And this nose? I also inherit it. Also my complexion ofcoarse Philippines was a spanish colony if you dont know."

"I know. My mom is a Pilipino."

Ashley stares at him. Frowning. Based on his look his on his 30's but his body is well built at gym. It is not visible but his longsleeve shirt is well fitted and some buttons near his neck are open as well as his suit. His hair is clean cut. His eyes are brown. His skin is white. Then she drink her rhum cause she felt her lips are drying.

"Did I pass?" he chuckles after she study his appearance.

"Not bad. Based on your accent. Your British."

"Yeah. My dad lives in London making us english citizen but originally he's from Spain."

"Your living with your parents?"

"Nope. They are in the Philippines. My dad is in love with the climate. Warm. Not like in London. Very cold."


"So, how long are you going to stay here in France?"

"I have no luck here. Maybe that shoes gives me bad luck since it fell. Im totally broke now. Im going home soon after I wonder around here."

"Perfect. You need a tourguide and driver?"

"I told you Im broke."

"Its free. Im willing to do it to a beautiful lady like you."

"And do you think I will trust you myself?"

"I'll be the most gentleman guy you'll ever met in your life. I give you my word of honor."

Ashley stares at him for a long while.


"Okay. France is a luxurious country. I need everthing that is free."

"Alright. Im Pete by the way."

She chuckles while receiving his hand. "Yeah. Late introduction huh. Im Ashley."

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