Act 5 - The Rude Guy

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"That guy is so rude. I promise if its not of his appearance he is close of being a pervert. He is lucky he is a handsome man."

Allan and Miley start laughing after Ashley tell them about Ryan.

"If Pete is not around, I can say your attracted to that guy."

"Me too. How many times did she said he is handsome and has a beautiful smile." Allan agree to what Miley says.

"What? You know how I love Pete."

"Yeah but that doesnt mean that you can get attracted to anyone who is attractive."

"Well.... He is..... He is rude."


Ashley cant say anything negative to Ryan. She looks at Miley. Allan laugh.

"See? He's your taste."

"Guys please...."

"Hello gorgeous." Ryan sit besides Ashley. "Hi friends." He winks at her.

"How rude of you sitting here without being invited."

"So, he's the rude man." Allan smiles.

"No wonder. He's cute." Miley said.

"So telling stories to your friend about me? Oh this is embarassing."


Allan and Miley chuckles.

"Well, Im sorry I have a class at 1pm."

Allan rose. "Nice meeting you Ryan."

"Oh you know my name."

"I have a duty too. Im sorry Ash but Im going."

"Miley you too?!"

"Bye friends." Ryan wave at Miley and Allan when they walk away. Ashley rose but Ryan block her way.

"Let me pass."

"Lets talk a little bit. As far as I know your not a busy person."

"What do you know about me?"

"Lets see. Your a top model of Dolce and Gabanna for 5 years. Very famous not only in France but in whole europe. And also in U.S and some country here in asia. Only a few know that your a pure pilipino. Your favorite color is all kind of violet. Your alergic at dog's fur. You love pasta. An only child. Your 27 and rumored girlfriend of a bussiness tycoon. Pete De Vera."

"How many magazines did you read to know all of those information."

"Only one."

Ryan throw the magazine in the table. Ashley took it where she and Pete is the cover photo. She opens the pages and read some of it.

"Oh my goodness. They know me now."

Ryan smirks. "Start the hunt. Hey guys Ashley Cabrera is here!"

After shouting Ryan rose. Ashley glare at Ryan. He smiles.

"Let me pass."


She start pushing him but she cant. He's too strong. His muscle is too firm. "Ryan please..... Let me pass."

When the people start coming toward them Ryan get his cellphone.

"Oh your so kind miss Ashley to say yes when I ask some selfie with you."

Ashley cant help but smile when Ryan took their groupie. All of those who come near them ask for her pictures too. Ashley just say yes to them all cause she was cornered. At this point, Ryan leave her. When she looked at him, he's already out.

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