Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

chapter 10 guys,so happy thanks for reading.

Lexy's POV

We are ready to go.

Then we get in the car.

There was,Luke,Beau,Skip and Rose in the van with all the stuff.

I am in Cameron's car with Nash and James and Obviously Cameron.

And we drive to the beach.

We set up by some rocks.

I don't even know if your aloud to do this.

me and Rose,try putting are tent up.

we fail.

"Go ask for help."Rose said.

"No I got it."I said.

I got it up and it fell down seconds later.

"Yeah,I will go and ask for help."I said walking away.

I walk over to Jai.

Jai's POV

"Hey,Jai,"I hear from behind.

I turn around it's Lexy.

"Can you help me with the tent,please?"She asked

"Yeah shore."I smiled.

I'm happy to help her.

I tried to put it up,I couldn't do it.

I went and go Beau.

He has is second bottle in his hand.

We got it up but there was a big ass rip in the side.

“I am not sleeping in that.”Rose complained.

"Come in with us,we got room."said James really without thinking.

"OK."Rose said.

"I am staying with them."she said in a bitchy tone

I don't think Lexy,likes her at all at the moment.

I don't, never really have.

Lexy walked off with out saying anything.

Lexy's POV

My tent is broken,and my “Best friend.” is staying in my ex boyfriends tent.

Well we never really broke up in the fist place.

"Bitch."I said in my head.

I sat down on the sand on my own.

it's like 8 I am not drinking yet I be gone in 10 minutes.

then I felt someone sit by me.

I looked it was Cameron.

he gave me a bottle.

"That's yours,it be gone if you don't have it."he smiled.

"Thanks,I am not drinking yet."I told him.

"Have it later then."he smiled.

"I will."I smiled.

he had a bottle what hasn't really been touched in his hand.

"Is that your fist?"I asked.

"Yeah."He said.

then it was quit we where sitting on the beach looking at the sea.

I sow Jai,he was just there.

"Should I tell him,that I still like him?"I thought to myself.

"What you thinking about?"asked Cameron.

"Nothing."I lied.

"You are thinking of something."he smiled.

"Prove it."I smirked at him.

"Umm,your looking out to sea and looking at Jai."he said.

"Yeah,that don't prove anything."I said.

"Your looking at Jai so your probably thinking about,Jai."he smiled.

"You know your right."I smiled taking the top off the bottle.

"I know,I am almost all the time right."he smiled.

"Boy's thing there always right."I smiled taking a sip out of my bottle.

We just sit there talking about random shit,and drinking.

That's really long oops ;P

Jai's POV

I sitting on the sand,with James and Luke.

Daniel and Beau are gone somewhere to do something and I don't want to know.

Lexy is sitting with Cameron ,just chatting.

I think she was looking at me a minute ago.

I still really like her and I really want to tell her.

I might tonight,maybe.

Lexy is drinking her drink.

So is Cameron.

I just shack it off that she is laughing and talking to someone else,who happens to be a good friend of mine.

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