Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Lexy's POV

It's been 2 weeks since then.

And the boy's,have finally stopped teasing me and Jai.

Today we are,going back to the beach.

My nan and me are back on track,at last.

Me and Rose have sorted things out and she OK now.

I know a lot have happened in 2 weeks.

The boy's are going to berry there selfs,head deep in sand.

And just shout a lot of abuse and stuff at people.

Who happen,to be passing.

And I am on hand to cover them in sand.


Jai has uncover is leg.

“Maintenance.”he shouts with a grin.

I walk over and cover his leg.

And throw sand in his face.

“Lexy.”he gasps.

I then smile and walk away.

I watch them for ages, just shouting at people.

And recover them.

There almost finished now.

I just looking at the beach.

When a pair of hand,land on my shoulder.

I scream and turn around, to see it's just Jai.

I laugh what makes him laugh.

Jai's POV

Then we just relax in the beach café.

With the guys.

We are all eating ice creamsundaes.

“Why are they called,Ice cream Sundays?”asked James.

“I don't know,they just are.”I said.

Then we just eat them.

We then play football on the beach.

And just have a good time.

We are sitting on the sand.

“Do you want to go on,a date tomorrow?”I ask her.

“Yeah,where are you tacking me?”she asked.

“Any where you wanna go,but I was thinking bowling.”I suggested.

“Yeah,that sounds good.”She smiled.

“We all know what happened on your last,date”smirked Beau.

“Shut up.”Lexy said throwing her napkin at him.

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