Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lexy's POV

*6 Weeks later*

I woke up at 8.23 and sat up.

I can't sleep any longer now,I am so scared for today.

I am going over to Jai's and we are going to try and be friends.

I can't go on not talking or looking at each other,for another week.

Come on it's took 6 weeks for him to agree completely,for me to come over for us to do this.

This is not going to be easy.

I have to fix things with Jai and fix one or two things with Luke.

But whatever happens he will never know it was,Luke's fault.

I got out of bed and got my cloths out for the day.

I got a flowery top and shorts.

I set them on the bed and went down stairs.

“Morning nan.”I said.

“Morning.”she said.

She is still not talking to me right,still.

I mead breakfast.

And sat at the table to eat and drink.

“So,what are you doing today?”my nan asked.

That must of took a lot of effort.

“Not much,going to Jai's to sort it all out.”I said like it's not a bit deal.

But it is a massive deal.

“OK.”she said.

That’s what she dose now,if I mention them all she says is,OK.

I just let it rowel off.

I finished and took the bowl and the cup to the sink.

I quickly wash up my stuff and dry it and put it away.

I do all my own stuff these days.

I go up stairs and sit on my bed,it's just gone 9.00.

Jai's POV

I Woke up at 9.30.

I lie there looking at the celling. Today is the day I talk to Lexy.

I get out of bed and slip a T-shirt on.

I walked down stairs,I am the fist one up.

Excepted my mum she was sitting there.

“Morning mum.”I smiled.

“Morning Jai,why up so early.”she asked.

“Today me and Laxy ,are going to talk.”I said.

I am nervous.

“Oh I am shore it be fine.”she smiled.

“I hope so.”I smiled back.

Then I just ate my breakfast.

I finished and put my things in the dishwasher.

I walk back up stairs.

I go in my room and sit down on my bed.

What going to happen,it's been 6 weeks.

I miss her it's true,but she kissed my brother,my twin,my double.

I get up and get my cloths out for today,what are jeans and a white top and a grey hoddie.

Not making much of a effort today,it's just Lexy.

I go in to the bathroom and have a shower and I dire,changed and go in my room.

Sorry. It's not going to well at the moment.

I am trying my best to do this for you it's just hard.

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