Chapter 3 (Secret no more)

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Lola was struck with fear as she looked at Lana's new look.

A tall, muscular blue scaled, amphibian looking girl was right in front of her. Lola couldn't say a word. She had never seen anything like it. It looked so other-worldly.. alien! It didn't help that this thing was Lana or claimed to be..

Lola: W-who... w-what... are.. y-you?

Lana: Lola! It's me, Lana!

Lola: You're not Lana! Y-youre an.. an... an abomination! Y-yeah!

Lana put a hand to her chest and leaned back, faking that her feelings were hurt.

Lana: First of all, ouch. Second, something strange is going on with me! This happened a few hours after Hops tried to bite me arm off!

Lola: You know about what happened with Hops? That he.. turned into a weird thing and-

Lana: Attacked Lana?

Lola teared up and gave Lana a tight hug, lana hugging her back.

Lola: L-lana!! What the hell.. h-happened?! Why do you look like a drowned alien?!

Lana sat down, Lola sitting down next to her after.

Lola: So? Tell me the juicy info!

Lana: Lola! I don't know how this happened! I guess it's because Hops bit me or something but it's obvious there's probably more at play here!

Lola: probably?! Look at you! Probably isn't the right word! Definitely is a better word than probably!

Lana: Yeah yeah yeah...

Lola: *sigh... What now?

Lana shrugged her shoulders and stayed silent.

Lola: Lisa? She could probably fix you up.

Lana: Or just test on me without thinking to help whatever happened to me. She would probably do that..

Lola: I-... uuhh.... yeah. I guess you're right.

Lola and Lana shared a moment of silence before Lana just laid down on her bed in defeat.

Lana: I'll just deal with this tommorow. I don't feel like doing anything...

Lola: Are you serious right now? Now is not a good time to just give up!

Lana: It is when there's no solution..

Lola: For gods sake Lana..

Lana only responded by turning herself on the bed, back pointed to Lola. Lola pouted and shook Lana much to her annoyance.

Lana: Stop...

Lola: No! You are not going to give up on Day One of being a mutant! We have to help you!

Lana: How? I don't know what's going on!!!! Can't you understand that!

Lola went silent and stepped back a bit, giving Lana some space.

Lola: Geez. I'll just leave you alone. But we're going to figure this out in the morning.

Lana: Alright then.. Night Lola.

Lola: Night to you too, Lana..

Lola got back in bed and closed her eyes.. hoping that tomorrow would fare better for her blue sister..

--The Next Day--

11:45 AM.

Lola: Lana.. Lana. Lana! LANA!!!

Lana: GAH! W-what?!

Lola: Wake up! We need to get you help with your situation.

Lana looked at herself and saw she was still a mutant. She gave a sad look and got up.

(Cancelled) Lana the Were-FrogWhere stories live. Discover now