"Yeah. We can play." I tell him with a grin and walk up to him and boop his nose. "Tag your it!" I shout with a giggle and run away as fast as I can.

"Get back here!" Natsu shouts but laughs as well

We spend the next half hour laughing and playing like kids before Natsu finally grabbed me and tossed me on the bed and pinned me down. Both of us out of breath but smiling like idiots.

"I love how we can still play like kids."

"Me too and I love how we can play like adults to." Natsu says seductively and leans closer to me

"Does my bad boy want to bring me heaven?" I giggle and he shakes his head and laughs

"Baby I'll always bring you heaven."

"I know. I just like to hear you say it." I giggle and he shakes his head again and chuckles at me.

Time skip
Another year has come and gone. We just completed our second year of college and our parents are over visiting.

"Guys can I say something? It's rather bold but I know everyone is thinking it." Natsu's dad asks

"Sure. Go for it." I say with a shrug

"Well first, I for one am surprised you guys haven't wanted to get married yet and two I know me and everyone else here is surprised Lucy isn't pregnant yet considering you guys live alone and I have no doubt you guys have done it countless times."

"That is bold." I mumble and Natsu nods. "We agreed to get married after we graduate college and as far as us having kids we are careful to use protection because we want to be financially stable as well as married before we have a baby." I tell him and Natsu nods and smiles.

"Really dad we are smarter than that. Sure we are young but it doesn't mean we are reckless." Natsu says in a insulted tone but he's smirking

"Alright. Just making sure. I swear you two are the only ones I ever seen get engaged and move in together and hasn't ended up pregnant." His dad says with his hands up in mock surrender.

"Dad. Believe me. We planned everything out. We have our lives ahead of us. We are engaged and happy and enjoying our freedom while we can because we know in the future we will be tied down with the business and a family." Natsu explains and I watch with amusement as my parents smile.

"You guys sure are being responsible. I'm amazed but not surprised and I'm extremely happy that you guys are happy and healthy." My mom says and my dad nods in agreement.

Our parents hang around for a few hours and have dinner with us before they decide to go home.

"I can't believe my dad thought we'd be married or you'd be pregnant by now. That's kind of insulting." Natsu grumbles while he strips for bed

"It is a bit insulting but I see why he thought that considering we are young and hormonal."

"Yeah but he should know I'd have the common sense to use protection and birth control." Natsu growls and lays in the bed

"True. But hey. Don't take it so personally. I bet he's just hinting that he wants grandkids while he's still young enough to play with them."

"I bet you're right!" Natsu sighs loudly and groans. "But I'm not ready for that responsibility yet."

"Me either and in the end it's our choice and we choose later." I say softly and nuzzle into Natsu and sigh comfortably.

Time skip
Another year has passed and me and Natsu are super excited. We are currently looking at our living room and smiling proudly at our achievements. We've gotten so many awards and certificates we hardly have any room left on the walls.

"One more year Natsu and we're done." I say proudly and wrap my arms around Natsu.

"Yeah. One more year then we can start hands on training with the business. Are you ready?"

"Yeah as long as you're by my side I know I can do it." I reply and Natsu smiles and hugs me close. "Natsu. How soon after we graduate do you want to get married?"

"I haven't thought of it to be honest." He chuckles nervously. "I see us as married already. But I guess we can get married right after we graduate. How about that summer?"

"Sounds good to me. I look forward to it." I tell him with a smile and kiss him softly. "You know it does kinda feel like we are married. We are always together and we always wear our rings so it does seem like it."

"Yeah and everyone knows we are together and devoted to each other." Natsu smiles and so do I.

"Yeah. And I couldn't be happier."

"Me too Luce."

Time skip
Graduation day! Me and Natsu are officially done with college and have graduated with honors! That means we will be getting married soon! We agreed on a small wedding at a local church and our honeymoon will be at the resort we went to.

"Natsu! Lucy! We are soooo proud of you!" My mom yells and rushes us after the ceremony.

"Thanks mom." We reply and hug her tightly

"You guys did it. I'm proud. Despite everything you've stayed by my daughters side Natsu and you've both pushed each other to succeed. I have the up most confidence you guys will be happy and extremely successful in life." My dad says proudly and me and Natsu smile brightly.

"My boy! Look at you! You look extremely happy and proud and you should be!" Natsu's dad shouts and hugs Natsu tightly

"Thanks dad." Natsu replies and hugs him back.

We spend the afternoon and evening celebrating and having a blast with our friends. Levy and Gajeel are engaged as is Gray and Juvia and Jellal and Erza. They all basically did what we did and are extremely happy.

Time skip
Me and Natsu decided on a mid-summer wedding so we can always refer to it as a mid-summer nights dream. We of course invited everyone we knew and had a amazing day. Levy, Juvia and Erza helped me out and Gray, Jellal and Gajeel helped Natsu. By the time the wedding started we looked amazing.

The ceremony went quickly because of the excitement in the room. Everyone was so happy for us and we were happy with each other. We are finally getting married. It all seems like a big wonderful dream. I am marrying the bad boy of fairy tail high. The heir to a major company and the love of my life. The guy I would die for and I know he'd die for me.

By the time the reception come around I have come back to earth. I looked around and saw sooo many happy faces and heard so much laughter I couldn't help but smile.

"So! Now that you guys are married and have graduated how about some grand kids while I'm still young?" Natsu's dad asks Natsu and his jaw drops.

"Told you so." I whisper and he looks at me and sighs. "We plan on kids soon but not to soon. We'd like to learn how to properly run the company first.

"Then by all means start learning now! I want to see you guys have babies!" His dad shouts with a laugh making us blush.

"Soon dad. First I need to be able to support them before I have them." Natsu sighs and his dad sighs as well

"After your honeymoon come by so we can start. Ok?" He asks and we nod.

"Man I'm happy to be out of there!" Natsu shouts while we sit on the plane on our way to the resort

"You mean your happy to be heading to the resort for our honeymoon."

"That to." Natsu chuckles. "I get 3 weeks alone with my amazing wife. Life doesn't get any better than this." Natsu smiles and sits back and I giggle at him.

"Like we don't get enough alone time as it is." I tease and he just smiles. "I love you Natsu."

"I love you too Luce" He says softly and kisses me.

The honeymoon will be magical. Just like him, I know it.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now