Chapter 87: It's Christmas! (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"I'm afraid that's my fault, Narcissa." Hermione addresses the woman for the first time. "My Aunt recently gave birth to twins, but they're three months premature. Draco and I have been supporting my family by looking after her other children." She explains, not mentioning that her Aunt is in prison.

Her mother-in-law stares at her intently for a long moment before offering a weak smile. "Congratulations to your Aunt," She says. "I hope they are well." She adds, her lip twitching as though it pains her to comment on the health of two baby muggles.

"Thank you, Narcissa." Hermione smiles back out of politeness.

"Speaking of babies, do you have anything to tell me?" She smiles knowingly between them both.

Draco takes Hermione's hand in his to calm her. "I'm afraid not, we've had no luck in that area." He tells her.

"These things can take time." Luna reassuringly pats Hermione's knee.

"Wisely said, Miss Lovegood." Narcissa nods, looking sympathetic.

"Mrs Zabini." Luna corrects her.

"Of course," Narcissa smiles at the young woman. "I'm sure you'll be blessed with a child soon enough." She returns her gaze to Hermione.

"Excuse me." Hermione stands up, leaving the reception room and heading up the stairs.

"Mother!" Draco sighs, glaring at her as he races out of the room, following his wife up the stairs and into his bedroom.

She throws her coat over the end of his bed.

"Why does she have to be like this?" Hermione shouts angrily.

"I know, she's insufferable." Draco agrees, reaching out to wrap his arms around her but she steps away.

"The way she's throwing it in our faces because she thinks we don't know what she tried to do." She sits on the edge of his bed.

"You didn't want to confront her about it." Draco reminds her.

"I know, she's your mother, she's the only family you have, and I want her to be a part of our children's life. I loved spending time with my grandparents as a child." She sighs, dropping her head into her hands.

"Hermione, I told you I didn't want to come here today, and you gave me the same excuse. That she's my only family. Who do you think you are to me? Who do you think your parent and cousins are to me?" He asks, sitting beside her. "They've welcomed me into the family so warmly and are so kind. I've never felt more loved than I do when I'm surrounded by you and your family. My mother is not someone I want to be around until she learns to be less self-centred and prejudiced towards you, your family and our friends." He admits.

Hermione smiles, taking his hand in hers and pressing her lips to the back. "My family love you too." She entwines their fingers. "Our family." She corrects herself, making him smile.

"I'm sorry about her." He sighs, resting his forehead against hers.

"Don't apologise. This is all her doing." Hermione tells him, closing her eyes.

Draco kisses the top of her head. "I'm still sorry that she's making you feel like this." He says.

"I love you, Draco. You are nothing like your mother." She tells him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you, I love you too." He chuckles until she presses a kiss to his lips. "What are you doing?" He asks, curiously.

"We've been so busy this last week." She mutters, kneeling to throw her leg of Draco's and straddling his lap.

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