Chapter 11 - Shut You Out

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'Where are you Zero Two!?' I thought to myself.


I continued listening to Souji giving our missions. I had to focus on the mission and block everything else from my mind. Including Zero Two.

"As you know, your squad must get ready to prepare in battle. You all only have fifteen days left to commence in battle. You all will begin by commencing in small battles against the Klaxours that are small but can still take out everything in their paths. So everyone, head to your FranXX." He said.

Everyone stood up and faced Souji.

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone said.

After Souji finished giving us our missions, we headed to the FranXX. We quickly got ready in the changing rooms and I had another encounter with the green-haired girl.

"So how are you doing Code 000?" She asked.

I looked at her emotionless and began to speak.

"Everything is good." I told her.

"W-well, that's good!" She said with some worry in her voice.

She turned around and quickly got ready and left. I stood in the changing room by myself staring at my reflection in the mirror. I look at my teeth once more. My fangs were gone for now. Hopefully they wouldn't come back. I looked once more at myself and told my self.

"Disgusting" I said.

I walked away from the mirror and got ready to go.

9'a POV

Near the FranXX stood 9'a waiting for his beloved lovely. A few moments later, the green-haired girl came up to 9'a.

"Excuse me 9'a, Sir?" She asked.

He looked over and smiled.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked.

"I just wanted to let you know that something is wrong with Code 000." She said.

He then turned around completely and took her by the shoulders.

"What is wrong with her?!" He asked worriedly.

She stood there startled why he was acting this way. She then pushed his hands off her shoulders and stood straight.

"Normally she is all happy and smiling, but just now I asked her how she was feeling and she stared at me." She said.

"Stared at you? What does that have to do with her acting like there's something wrong?" He said.

"The thing is she was emotionless and expressionless. She didn't have that light that she normally had. It seems that she is in the dark right now." She said.

9'a stood there thinking about what to do and then he finally came up with a good idea.

"Thank you for telling me this. And also sorry for startling you with holding your shoulders." He said.

"It's alright and your welcome." She said walking away to her FranXX.

'Hmm..' He thought to himself.

End of 9'a POV

I quickly ran to the FranXX room. I saw 9'a staring at the other direction. He looked like he was thinking about something very deeply. I began quietly running to him. I was thinking of surprising him, but I remembered what Papa and Mama had told me.

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