Chapter 3 - Welcome Back; part 2

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He had a very strange expression on his face. And he looked around at everyone and then focused on me, Zero Two, and 9'a. Something was going on, but what was it, we did not know.


I watched his expression change each time he looked at one of us. It seemed like something was wrong, but he was struggling to explain what the problem was. He then walked to the front of the room with the two adults and began to explain what was going on.

"You all did well on your first mission even though there were some difficulties. Code 000, you are expected to go and see Papa and Mama on your own to talk about your situation immediately. Do you understand?" The adult said.

"Yes, sir." I told him politely.

After he finished talking I wondered why he had such an expression and why he didn't tell us what it was. Zero Two and 9'a noticed and I could tell that they were wondering the same thing. The adult left with both of the adults and never ended up telling us what happened. Zero Two and everyone else decided to go back to their rooms or stay with me. Of course Zero Two and 9'a stayed behind, continuing their stand off from earlier. I smiled and then walked towards the door.

"I have to go now, Papa and Mama are waiting for me." Code Zero said.

She began walking and was stopped by a familiar hand. She turmed and noticed Zero Two grabbed her arm.

"Wait, please. Follow me, I need to show you something. Please." Said Zero Two pleading.

I looked at her with her pleading eyes and I had a feeling of guilt come over me if I said no, so I said yes.

"Alright, Zero Two lets go!" I said.

Zero Two smiled big and then I looked over at 9'a. He just stood there feeling awkwardly it seemed. I looked back at Zero Two and pleaded. She looked at me and I could tell that she really didn't want to, but she then looked down and then up at me. She smiled and I smiled back at her very brightly. I walked over to 9'a and took his hand while my other hand grabbed Zero Two's. He looked up and questioned my motives, but then he smiled which was my favorite thing about him. When he smiled just like Zero Two did, I didn't feel alone, I didn't really know how to explain the feeling. He then took my hand and I looked back at Zero Two. She began to walk and we followed still holding hands. We went up three flights of stairs and then she showed us a tunnel.

"Follow me through this tunnel. 9'a get the cover there and cover it up again once your in." She said.

I nodded and so did 9'a. Zero Two went in first, then I did, and finally 9'a. He sealed the opening shut and followed behind me. Zero Two opened another opening and climbed out. She turned around and took my hand to help me up. And then grabbed 9'alpha's hand. Zero Two lead us out a window that looked over the plantation. I looked and was astonished by how beautiful it was. 9'a was a bit afraid and I could feel him grabbing on tighter to my arm. I looked over at him and smiled, then held his hand tight. He looked up and he had a small smile but more of a fearful smile. I looked over to see Zero Two watching everything across the plantation. I walked over to her with 9'a still in arm and held her hand.

"Thank you Zero Two, I really needed this after the incident." I said with a bright smile.

"Your welcome Code Zero! I'm glad I was able to make you feel happy again." Said Zero Two smiling back.

"C-can we go back n-now?" Said 9'a in fear.

"Hahaha! I thought the great 9'a wasn't afraid of anything! I guess I thought wrong! Hahaha!" Said Zero Two laughing.

And that's when their bickering started again.

9'a let go of my arm and began to bicker with Zero Two again. She then let go of my hand and began bickering back at him. I watched and began laughing out of nowhere. They both watched me laugh. They smiled and quit bickering. They both would rather watch me laugh then fight each other.

"Thank you to you both for giving me this opportunity today. It was really...amazing!" I said smiling.

"Your welcome my lovely. Anything to see you sm...." He said being cut off by Zero Two wacking to his head.

"*coughs* Actually this was my idea to begin with!" Said Zero Two.

9'a glared at her but she just smiled. I looked once more and said something to them both.

"I hope we can always be together." Said Code Zero.

They looked at her and replied: "We do too."

End of chapter 3.2


Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter but it was just a continuation of chapter 3.1. Next chapter will be out soon. Bye!

Darling in the Franxx: Code ZeroOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant