Chapter 6 - My Fault

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'The ones in the masks and white clothes?!? Papa and Mama?!?!' She thought.


Code Zero sat there in silence until Gin tapped her shoulder. She looked up and had a small smile of reassurance on her face.

"Thank you for telling me, Gin. I have to go now but I'll be back later and maybe with Zero Two." She said.

"Alright. Umm I might leave for a bit and head towards the buildings where only Adults are at." Said Gin.

"Oh you mean the plantations city, where all the Adults live. Well alright but be careful to not be caught." Said Code Zero.

"Heh. Don't worry, I have that covered." Gin said smiling turning into an adult.

"Wow! That's amazing! Well see you later Gin." Said Code Zero opening the entrance and being followed out by Gin.

She waves at him and so does he. He then jumps on a tree and jumps through the forest leading to the city of the Adults. She then ran back towards the building and looked for 9'a. She stopped looking when she didn't find him and quickly headed back to the meeting room. She put her code in and quickly sat down. She looked around and spotted 9'a sitting on the other side of the room looking down. She wondered what was wrong with him, so she got up, but right when she was about to stand up, the man who gave us our missions, walked in and went to the front of the room in front of the board.

"Good morning 9's. Sorry for making you all awaken earlier and come but I showed up late, but we must discuss our next mission. After our first mission that we barely won, Papa and Mama have said that we should prepare to commence in battle for our next mission. A large group of Klaxours are coming our way and we must prepare." He said.

"How many days will it take for them to arrive at our Plantation." Asked 9'a finally looking up, but still had an expression of sadness and fear.

"Good question, 9'a. They should be arriving in five days time." He said.

"Eighteen days!?!?!?" The 9's all said.

"Yes. That is why we must quickly prepare for the upcoming battle. Now everyone go and suit up, then head to your Franxx." He told us.

"Yes sir!" Everyone said heading out of the meeting room.

In the locker rooms (Girls P.O.V)

Zero Two, the green haired girl, and I walked into the locker room and got into our battle uniforms. I tried talking to Zero Two but she seemed to have something still on her mind. The green haired girl turned to me and began to talk.

"You know Code 000, I'm really glad there is another girl on this team besides me and Zero Two." She said.

"Yeah it is nice." I told her.

"You know we should get to know eachothermore including everyone on te 9's so we all can have a strong team bond. Don't you?" She said.

I looked at her and put a smile on my face and then told her it would be nice.

"Yes, that would be nice. Maybe after we all finish our mission we can each get to know each other." I said.

Darling in the Franxx: Code ZeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang