Chapter 5 - Truth Be Told

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I awoke from my slumber and got out of bed. I grabbed my uniform and took it to the bathroom. I then took a shower and then got dressed in my uniform. I went back to my room and sat at my desk to brush my hair. I then grabbed my beret and put it on. I grabbed my boots and slid them on. I then opened my door and went to see Mama and Papa sitting in the waiting room with their masks on, waiting for me.

"Morning, Papa and Mama." I said politely.

"Hello, Code 000." Said Mama.

"Yes, morning Code 000. Now today you and the 9's will all be piloting the Franxx. Please do not disappoint us again or else you will be done with piloting, leave the 9's, and you will go to the lab. Understand?" Said Papa with a bit of anger.

"Yes, Papa. I understand." I said emotionless.

"You may go now." Papa said looking away.

"Goodbye, Code 000." Mama said leading me towards the door.

"Goodbye, Mama and Papa." I said walking out.

Mama shut the door behind me and I headed towards the security and went towards the meeting room. I had wanted to go to see Gin, but I wouldn't have any time to. So I decided I would afterwards. I walked down the long and endless halls of the plantation and found the meeting room. I put my Code in and the door opened up. I walked in and saw everyone there except 9'a and Zero Two. I wondered, so I asked the 9's.

"Good morning everyone!" I said cheerfully.

A boy with blue hair and another with maroon hair turned and looked to say good morning.

"Good morning, Code 000." They said in unison.

Then the rest of the squad turned and said good morning.

"Have any of you seen where Zero Two and 9'a are at?" I asked.

The blue haired boy began to speak.

"We haven't seen them since yesterday when they were with you." He said.

"Oh well, thank you. I think I will go look for them." I told them.

"Alright, but be back before the meeting starts." Said the maroon haired boy said.

I nodded and then left the room. I went to their rooms first but they weren't there. I then headed to look all over the plantation but found nothing. I hadn't looked in the forest or the balcony view that was hidden from everyone except Zero Two, me, and 9'a. I decided to go check the forest. And that's when I saw Zero Two standing by the cherry blossom tree. She was just staring at the tree. I ran over and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and went into a fighting stance. She then realized it was me and calmed down. She had a small smile but she had the look of fear and pain her eyes.

"What's wrong Zero Two? I've been looking for you and 9'a since this morning." I told her.

She looked at me and then pointed at the tree where the entrance normally was. I stood there in fear that she knew something was going on.

"It's closed. Someone closed it and I know it wasn't you." She said.

I sweat dropped and then looked down. She knew that I knew what she was talking about.

"Open it." She said.

I walked over to the tree and then bent down. I looked back at her and she had the face that showed that she was demanding me to do as I was told. I turned back towards the tree and touched it. I used my power and opened the entrance. I looked inside and saw a sleeping Gin. Zero Two walked closer and bent down to see the boy. She look the d at me questionably and I just looked down. I went in and then she went in behind me. Since it was big enough for more then two people we all were spread out in different spots. I closed the entrance so no one would find us. I then turned to look at Zero Two starting at Gin.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

She turned and looked at me.

"Why are you saying your sorry?" She asked me.

"I didn't tell you about this and I thought you would be upset at me, but I had to help him. Something in me told me to" I told her.

She smiled and laughed quietly.

"How could I be upset when you just wanted to help him." She told me.

I looked up and saw her smiling and I began to smile. I hugged her and then thanked her. We looked back at Gin. I could tell that he was going to wake up soon. He sat up and then opened his eyes. He looked over at me and then Zero Two. He had an expression of shock on his face. I took his hand and smiled at him with reassurance. He nodded and then looked over at the pink haired girl.

"Hello. My name is Gin or what Code Zero named me which is Code 010." Gin told Zero Two.

"My name is Zero Two or Code 002, but please call me by my name." Said Zero Two smiling.

"Don't worry. She won't tell anyone about you. She already promised." Said Code Zero.

He smiled and then nodded. Code Zero began to tell Zero Two all about Gin.

"So your really from the outside world?!" Zero Two said amazed.

"Yes. I was left behind and decided to follow where they were and somehow I ended up here." He said.

Code Zero then turned to Zero Two and asked why she wasn't in the meeting room and where 9'a was.

"Hey, Zero two? Why weren't you and 9'a in the meeting hall this morning?" She asked.

Zero Two sat there in silence for a few minutes until she spoke. Gin and Code Zero started at her until she spoke again.

"I was just clearing my mind since everything that had recently happened and decided to walk for a bit. And then I sensed a presence that I didn't recognize. I walked over towards our hideout and found where the presence was coming from. As for 9'a, I haven't seen him since yesterday evening." Said Zero Two.

Code Zero sat there in thought then looked at Zero Two then Gin.

"Zero Two go to the meeting room and I'll find 9'a. Gin I want to speak to you alone for a few more minutes." Said Code Zero.

Zero Two nodded and then Code Zero opened the entrance and Zero Two crawled out. She watched Zero two run through the forest until she couldn't see her anymore. She then closed the sentence and looked back at Gin.

"Gin? Who left you behind?" Code Zero asked.

He looks up at her then back down. He said something that was as mumbled.

"What was that?" Code Zero Said.

He looked up and told her.

"The ones in the masks and white clothes." He said.

Code Zero widened her eyes and fell back a bit.

'The ones in the masks and white clothes?!? Papa and Mama?!?!' She thought.

End of Chapter 5
What does this mean? Is Gin telling the truth? Did Papa and Mama know who Gin was? Find out in next in Chapter 6!

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