Something big.

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Jay's Pov

I apparently fell asleep because the next thing I knew I was lying on the concrete in hot sun. "Jay? Jay do you read me? " Nya asked over the intercom. I yawned and turned my intercom on "Yes, I read you" I answered climbing on my bike "I'll be back at the bounty in a few" I said turning off my intercom. It was about noon so I had quite a bit of time before our next training session at three. I couldn't remember how I fell asleep and why I was outside. It took me the whole drive home to figure out what happened. I parked my bike and walked up to the bounty that was conveniently parked on the ground. 'Thank the first spinjitzu master' I thought as I walked onto the deck. "Hello?" I asked looking around for my team. I couldn't find anyone so I decided to get some extra practice in by taking some aggression out on the nearest punching bag. I was upset on why I couldn't remember last night 'Was I drugged?! Did I pass out?' I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice my audience. "Making up for missing morning practice?" Nya asked playfully I couldn't help but blush 'I didn't know she was watching me' I thought embarrassingly. "Yeah... I didn't mean to fall asleep last night..." I said trailing off. "Is your allergies any better? I was really worried when you didn't come home" Nya said wrapping her arms around my neck. 'My allergies were bad? Is that why I fell asleep?' I wondered. I looked down at Nya. "Yes... can you remind me what all I complained about" I asked jokingly. 'Except I'm not joking... I don't remember' I thought sadly. "Silly, all you said was that your vision was a little blurry" she explained. I was shocked... and no pun was intended. 'What's going on with me?' I thought fearfully.

It was mid day training and it was my turn to work on stamina, so I was running some laps around the park in Ninjago City. We had positioned the bounty directly above so it was an easy dragon ride down. During this run I knew it would be a good way to focus on the past twenty four hours, so much had happened that my brain felt like a whirlwind. I don't really understand why my allergies were acting so weird... I secretly believed that it was much more than just allergies but I didn't want to make a scene and "overreact" as my teammates would say. 'What if these are just allergies and I am overreacting?' I thought curiously. I was lost in my train of thought when I heard screams. I immediately pulled down my mask and grabbed my nunchucks running towards the screams. 'You know a normal person would run AWAY from the screams' I thought jokingly. I went to figure out the source of the problem while I paged my team. "Guys? Something big is going down and I don't know what, can I get some backup?" I asked frustrated as I defended some civilians from the thugs from before. We still didn't know literally ANYTHING about them which worried me. "I'm coming down to help" Lloyd's voice said over the intercom. 'I won't be needed much if it's Lloyd who's coming' I thought grimly. "Roger that... over and out" I said ending our conversation. It only took Lloyd a few minutes to come because he was LITERALLY ABOVE US! He started knocking out thugs left and right 'Doesn't surprise me' I thought jealousy. I noticed a thug was approaching Lloyd from behind and I went to defend him. I was about to do Spinjitzu when I fell to the ground 'Why can't I do spinjitzu?!' I thought horrified. I looked up and watched as Lloyd was hit from behind. I grimaced as I heard something pop in his back as he fell to the ground. I instinctively stood in front of him and let a burst of electricity out sending the thugs away. I felt my energy start to fade as my vision became foggy. I turned on my intercom and used the last of my energy the best way I knew how... "Help... " I whispered into my intercom as the world went dark.

Kai's Pov

We were training on the deck when we got a call over the intercom "Help..." We heard Jay's voice say weakly before the signal died out. We all stopped training and looked at each other before I dove over the rail summoning my dragon. 'Lloyd AND Jay are down there... How could something bad happen?!' I thought anxiously. It only took me a record of thirty seconds before I could make out two bodies lying on the cold concrete. I jumped of my dragon as I ran to check on Lloyd who was lying on his stomach his face contorted in pain. "What happened? Are you okay?!" I asked as I skidded on my knees to land in front of him. "I was helping Jay attack some of these thugs when one struck me from behind and now I can't feel anything below my hips." He explained as I helped him sit up slowly. 'Why didn't Jay defend you?!' I thought angrily. Speaking of the devil he finally gained conscious again. I had to control my anger as he came towards us. "What happened?" He asked innocently. Lloyd and I shared a worried glance. 'Why wouldn't he remember what happened?' I asked myself as I subconsciously raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember?" Lloyd asked. Jay squinted and made a look like he was really trying to think back. We waited for a minute before Jay opened his mouth like he was going to say something, before closing it and slowly nodding his head sadly. 

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying this story! 

Thanks - Elizabeth <3

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