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Hello, if you're reading this I am dead.

Ha! Gotcha! I'm not dead... yet. Although I might be by the time I get back to the bounty... - Jay

Jay's Pov

I quickly ran into our bedroom and hid my diary under my mattress. "JAY!" I heard a furious voice shriek. 'Welp he found me' I thought as Kai stormed into our room. "Hello, Kai" I said seriously. Why was Kai mad at me? Well, let me tell you the full story.

It all began when we were on a mission, fighting some thugs. "Jay, on your left!" Cole said casually as he roundhouse kicked a thug away from me. "Thanks Cole!" I answered sarcastically as I zapped a few who were circling us. It was only Cole, Kai, and I. Nya, Lloyd, and Zane were on another mission that required their abilities. Lightning, Fire, and Earth aren't very helpful at putting out flames. Master Lloyd had decided he would take "Team Firefighters" as I like to call them, And leave Kai, Cole, and I ("Team BoomPow") to take care of the thugs at the local market center. We weren't quite sure who these thugs worked for and what they were after, they had struck many local markets and hospitals. Yet we were unable to call me across any victims, so it appeared they were harmless. But we didn't want to play it safe and risk the lives of innocent bystanders. I was fighting when out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the thugs grab a young woman's arm and drag her into a dark alleyway. Before I could process what was happening I had already started running after them. "Hey stop!" I demanded as I followed the thug into the dark alley. The sun was beginning to set which made the alleyway look more ominous than it already was. Luckily I was barely able to identify the thug as he removed his Gas mask, something that all these weird thugs wore. The man turned to me before raising his arm as he vanished with the young woman, leaving a dark red smoke that was intoxicatingly sweet behind. I coughed as the sweet smoke that smelled like cotton candy seeped through my mask leaving me breathless and with a pounding headache. "Where-where did they- they go?!" I exclaimed coughing as I attempted to search for them. 'I refuse to leave until I find that girl!' I decided determinedly. I looked around until the sickeningly sweet smell became unbearable, and I was forced to do the one thing I hated the most, retreating.

I staggered back towards Kai and Cole who had just began to clean up the mess we had made. "Nice of you to finally show up" Kai said harshly as he picked up what appeared to once be an apple stand, but now we just charred wood, and applesauce. My head was throbbing and I was having trouble seeing so I really didn't need Kai's sarcasm and attitude right now. "Listen, I went after a thug who took a hostage" I explained as I experienced another coughing fit. "Did you get them back?" Cole asked walking over to me. I continued coughing before I could finally catch my breath to answer "N-No" I said my voice going hoarse. 'Why am I finding it so hard to breathe?' I wondered as my eyes started watering. "First, are you okay?" Kai asked worried. 'Wow the hothead actually cares about me?' I thought flabbergasted. "And second they got away?!" Kai exclaimed furiously. 'There's the Kai I know' I thought internally laughing, I would've made a joke if my throat wasn't on fire. "Yeah I'm fine, and sadly they did get away" I answered as I lowered my head ashamed. 'It was my job to stop them and I failed... again.' I thought as my eyes started to water. "Well now they have a hostage... I'll call Lloyd and give him the bad news" Kai said grimly as he walked away. Cole and I started cleaning up when it came over our intercom "Hey Lloyd, It's Kai, Cole and Jay here... we had a little issue with the market center, one of the thugs took a hostage and we weren't able to catch them over and out " Kai's voice explained through our little ear pieces. I decided to sit down for a second because I was feeling really dizzy and nauseous. Cole looked over with concern but I brushed him off. It wasn't long before Lloyd answered "Aw man that stinks... Let's go ahead and meet back up at the bounty and we'll discuss our next steps " Lloyd advised. "Ten four see you in a bit Over and out" Kai said as our intercoms shut off. We made our way back to our bikes 'is it safe for me to drive?' I asked myself. I decided it probably was and climbed on my bike and took a deep breath.

We were almost back to the bounty when I started seeing spots. I made the mature decision to call it in on the intercom and pull over. Once I was on the side of the road I turned my intercom on. "Hey I was experiencing some difficulties with my vision, so I pulled over and I'll be making my way back to the bounty shortly" I explained to my team as I climbed off my bike. My head was throbbing so I sat on the ground. "Do you want me to come back?" Cole offered through the intercom I contemplated his offer. 'It would be nice to have some company especially since I don't know what's going on with my allergies... but I don't want to seem needy' I decided as I turned my intercom on "No Cole I'll be fine it's just my allergies acting up again" I politely declined. I sat on the road recalling my crazy day as the moonlight radiated across my bike. Today had been crazy, we spent the first half doing training and by the time we were done we were called on a mission 'one that I failed...' I thought as I winced remembering the look on my teammates face when I told them they had succeeded in kidnapping an innocent pedestrian. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you enjoy this book check out The Dark Prince, Guardian Angel, and Purple Clouds! Also if you don't mind clicking that star on each chapter it would help us greatly! 

Thanks! - Elizabeth <3

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