Truth Be Told

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This part may seem a bit confusing, but it will all make perfect sense in later chapters. Enjoy!

{Number of months passing: 5 Months}

Back in konoha, misery still existed from the empty gap in everyone's heart that was once the knowledge that the Hokage and his beloved daughter still lived and breathed.

Although most of the residents in the village were depressed, there were still very few others, or two in specific, who set their minds on only one goal.

And that was to find the missing four ninjas.

Their 'deaths' have not yet been confirmed, but for some odd reason, the villagers gave up on the idea of searching endlessly to find them.

Apparently the fifth hokage, also known as Tsunade Senju, had discovered some unknown scrolls in her office.

Scrolls that had kept secrets. Secrets that have been hidden by the third himself, and let's not forget, Y/n.

They both hide unknown information.

Or more like Y/n had hidden them and the hokage had supported.
After all, she was loved by everyone.

Whether they liked it or not.

At this moment, Tsunade and a gray haired Sannin by the name of Jiraiya are looking through the office, eager to find any clues on how to find the missing ninjas.

Other p.o.v.

"Hey look at this, Tsunade." Jiraiya called from the corner of the small room.

He held a small copper key in his right hand, dangling it from the chain.

Tsunade stopped in the process of shuffling through drawers and loads of papers, carefully examining each one to search for any potentially useful information.

"A key?" She asks, grabbing it from his hand after walking over to him.

The female sannin had a slight confused expression, probably from how small the key was.

"Yeah........It dropped when I was opening that drawer," he points to one of the drawers, just a few feet away from it. "The second to last."

She looks over to where his tan finger pointed and heads towards it.
Kneeling down, Tsunade tuck a blonde strand of hair behind her ear, her brows furrowed.

She opened the drawer further out, not expecting nothing but dust covering the inside.

"Why is it empty?" Jiraiya asks, his index finger placed on his chin in a thinking matter.

"I'm not convinced it's coincidently empty." She mutters back.

Tsunade then pulls the whole wooden drawer out, resulting in her being able to see the inside of the last drawer.

If it wasn't covered with a dark small plank.

"What the.." She hears Jiraiya mumble.

The senju continued to gently try to pry the wood off, failing in the process.

Tsunade moved her hand around, trying to feel some sort of gap of some sort that will hopefully help her take off the small plank.

Fortunately, she did discover a high bump, right in the corner after a few silent moments.

"I think there's a key hole." She says, finally answering Jiraiya's constant questioning on wether or not if she could feel a gap.

"Well what are you waiting for?" She firmly asks. "Hand over the key!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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