Hunter Site

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Hours passed by. Two days to be exact.

Two days since the little encounter with the giant yellow beasts.

The four of you and one of the navigators were walking through some strange named city called Zaban.

It had all sorts of type of things.
Jewelry, clothes, food, rocks, dancing monkeys. Anything really.
It was weird. There were very few places like this back in your world.

And according to the navigator, this place is known to be full of scammers. Only in your world a place like this was full of deadly ninjas.

I noticed some people looking in our direction, turning away when they saw Gaara with a weird look and blushing when their eyes caught mine.

"Why do they keep looking at me?" You nudged the uchiha walking beside you while gesturing at the buyers and sellers.

Sasuke turned his head to you to answer.

"Maybe because we're dressed differently than them?" He said while looking around at the stores.

You were about to say something but was interrupted by the man leading you to the exam.

"You know....You're a very beautiful woman, so maybe that's why the stares exist. It isn't very common to see a beauty such as yourself around this kind of town." He said, not turning to look back at you.

A light blush appeared on your face as you looked down at your hands.

"Yeah y/n, you're really pretty! Even more pretty than Sakura-Chan!" Naruto said, smiling widely while looking at you with his bright blue eyes.
" Don't you think so too Gaara?"

Gaara slightly gasped, barely audible enough to hear.

After a very short silence, the redhead replied.

"Yeah...She's beautiful.." he barely whispered making you even redder.

Sasuke kept a blank face while you blushed furiously as the stares continued knowing why. 
It's just that you weren't used to be called all those stuff, sometimes it would come from people you're friends with, but never someone that doesn't even know who were.

Most people would say that because apparently they were afraid, so they wanted to get on your good side.

It was too annoying to handle for you but you manage to get through it. Most of the time anyways.

After a few minutes of small talk and walking with an exhausted naruto, the five of you stood in front of a small and cozy looking little building squished between two other very neat looking buildings.

Naruto's eyes lit up when he looked up at the ancient looking place.

"Oohhh are we finally going to eat? Man am starving!!" The blonde shouted while rubbing his stomach with a hungry look.
You and the navigator laughed a bit while the other two sighed.

As we entered, the smell of cooked meat hit our noses while the sounds of chatter filled our ears, and on the counter was a man that seemed to be in his forties cooking steak meats with a blank yet bored face.

"Welcome" he said from his place, not averting his eyes to us.
Some customers held stares at specifically me and sasuke while looking at the other two in weird expressions.

"Is the back room available?" The navigator said, looking at the elder man with a slight smirk.

"What would you like?" The man said, still focused on the task in front of him.

Another Day, Another Portal ((HXH Naruto Crossover x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now