King/ Fem!America

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Amelia was startled to say the least when her brother came into their shared Massachusetts home crying his eyes out. Of course this confused and horrified the American to her core. Who or what had made her usually sunshine bound brother cry? Amelia would figure that out later, but first she needed to help her younger brother.

Amelia quickly ran over to where the tearful nation had collapsed to his knees on the wooden floor. Amelia (possessing godly strength like her counterpart) lifted up the other blond personification into her arms, carrying him princess style.

Amelia began making her way upstairs to her brother's bedroom, feeling his tears soak the front of her shirt. Amelia frowned, but not because of her shirt, she frowned because her brother was always so uplifting and optimistic and seeing him reduced to tears really fucking hurt.

When they final got up to the bedroom, Amelia quietly opened the door and just as quietly shut it behind her. She carefully placed her sibling on the bed and walked over to the curtains, pulling them over the windows, making the room a tad bit dark. After that Amelia went over to the nightstand and turned on the lamp that was in the bedside table.

After she was sure everything was fine, Amelia sat down beside her brother, pulling her fellow American into a side hug while rubbing his back gently in a attempt to soothe the crying nation. This seemed to work as Alfred's loud sobs began to dwindle into soft hiccups. Amelia smiled as her brother wrapped his long arms around her petite body and decided it was time to ask Alfred what happened.

"Maska~ tell me what happened that made you cry." Amelia cooed softly separating from her brother as he wiped the remaining tears from his baby blue eyes, sniffing slightly. "It's the nations. They started insulting me and ya again, but unlike the other times I couldn't take it anymore! So the last straw was when they insulted our people say that, "all you Americans ever do is shoot guns and eat fast food, your people disgust us!" why do they say those mean things Amelia? Why?!" Alfred strayed crying after he explained and was comforted by Amelia, who had been listening intently as a scowl formed on her face.

"Shh~ it's ok Alfie! They're just jealous and feel threatened by the strength and power we got, don't let those bastards get ya down!" Amelia cheered, her happy go lucky statement cheering the American up a little bit as he cracked a smiled at his older sister.

"Yeah you're right sis! But that doesn't make it hurt any less.." Alfred trailed off, gazing down at the carpeted floor sadly. Amelia frowned at this, how was she going to cheer her bro up? Amelia thought back to what her brother likes. He likes their people, music, singing, food, and superheroes.

Maybe some singing will cheer him up?

Amelia tapped her brothers shoulder lightly, causing him to look up at her with glistening sapphire eyes. Amelia's heart broke at the sight. Tears didn't suit her counterpart. No, she knew he was born to smile and be happy. And if it meant taking on the whole world together just to see her brother smile, then Amelia would do that and so much more.

"How 'bout I sing ya a song?" Amelia suggested weaving her fingers through her brother's wheat blonde hair, carefully avoiding the stubborn cowlick known as Nantucket. Alfred's smile widen slightly at this and he hugged her as gently as he could.

Alfred released his sister before getting up and taking his jacket, shoes, and socks off. Amelia stood up and pulled back the covers off the bed, crawling under them before his sister pulled them over his long legged body. Once Amelia was sure he was comfortable, she sat in the plush chair beside the bed and smiled at her expectant brother before singing softly.

"You're alone, you're on your own, so what?

Have you gone blind?

Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?

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