I Will Survive

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America sat on a chair polishing what seemed to be a acoustic guitar. He had that huge smile on his face and was practically radiating happiness and joy.

Why was he smiling you ask?

Well he just go a job performing at a local bar and he couldn't be happier.

Nations are aloud to get jobs to keep in touch with their people. And since his people seem to love music he got a job in the most music oriented city in his country.

Nashville, Tennessee.

And the bar was right next to the hotel were the G8 meeting was being held so it was a win win.

What America didn't know was that some(all) of the G8 had decided to go out for a drink to the very same bar that he was going to sing at!

Ah well.

America was about to go up on stage when he was racking his brain for what song he should sing. He decided on a classic song, I Will Survive.

Finally done polishing his guitar he took a deep breath and tried to swallow any stage fright he had. What if they didn't like him? What if they threw trash at him? What if he sang the song wrong?

All these thoughts and more were going around in the teen nations head and he shook his head trying to clean away the negative thoughts from head.

He's got this.

Alfred took one more deep breath and opened the door that connected the stage and backstage. He stepped onto the small wooden stage and slung his guitar to the front of his torso, grabbing the mike from the stand. With one last attempt to shake away all the nerves America spoke.

"Hey, how ya'll doing this fine night?" America asked the crowd who cheered and shouted back a mixture of answers from 'Good' to 'AWESOME AS ALWAYS'.

Oblivious to the nations sitting at the bar staring at him with widen eyes, Alfred gave a bright smile to the crowd and said "Well my names Alfred and I'm gonna be singing for ya'll tonight".

The crowd cheered once more as America sat the mike on the stand and took a seat on the stool behind the mike. He lightly strummed the acoustic instrument and began to sing.

"At first I was afraid, I was petrified

Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side

But then I spent so many nights thinkin' how you did me wrong

And I grew strong, and I learned how to get along"

The words that came out of his mouth stunned the seated nations into silence. They had no idea America could sing, and when did he learn how to played the guitar?

"And so you're back, from outer space

I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face

I should've changed that stupid lock

I should've made you leave your key

If I'd have known for just one second you'd be back to bother me~"

America was really getting into it, strumming the guitar and closing his eyes fully concentrated on the music and the lyrics.

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