Part 19

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Later that night after my nice warm bath I heard banging on the door I got out of my bed and made sure I muted my tv before making my way down. I looked over at the time to see it was past midnight so I made sure I grabbed something incase it was someone other than the club at my door I looked through the peep hole to see Jax standing at my front door looking around he seemed a bit off.

I opened the door to let him in "Hey what's wrong? Is Abel okay?" I asked worried Jax never came at this time incase it was important normally he would just call me.

"Abel is fine, can we talk though ?" He asked as he came in and shut the door. 

"Yeah sit down I'll make a pot of coffee" I said as I walked into the kitchen to start making a pot of coffee while Jax sat in the living room once the coffee was done I brought it into the living room and handed his mug "Are you hungry? If you want I can put together a plate for you." I asked  worried that he hasn't had anything to eat. He smiled and shook his head no as he grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a kiss on the head and let me go.

"I know you don't like knowing much about what  goes on with the club when we do shit, but I need to talk about this too someone, and someone that isn't a member" He said running his hand into his hair.

"Does this have to do with that clown from Fun Town?" I asked moving closer to him.

"Yeah.." He let out a breath "And Clay, I feel like he is about to lose control everything he is doing lately is everything that dad didn't want to happen. Elliot couldn't go through with hurting the god damn clown so Clay grabbed the knife he was holding and gut the guys nuts off I mean the clown had it coming god knows how many other little girls he has done that too, but that's not the part that's bothering me the part is he kept the knife to have leverage over Elliot I don't know for what but he wants to hold it over his head." He told me finally relaxing and sitting back.

"What did you mean he was doing what did didn't want to happen?" I asked him trying to wrap my head around everything before I told him what I personally thought.

"In the book he wrote he states he was trying to get the club to stop dealing with guns, he wanted to make it a legit club before he died, as we can see we are still on that road and god knows how deep we are going to be with Clay at the head of the table Val I need to get at the head of the table and make this into a legit club like how dad wanted it to be or else I don't think we will have a club anymore." He told me truthfully he knew I wouldn't run to anyone else and tell them about what we talk about.

"Well..Clay has a few years left with his hand giving him problems but god knows what can be done in between then and now, with what he did with Elliot wasn't right but with you telling me all of this I feel like he is planning something that he doesn't want to tell anyone and he is making sure what he is doing will help him or the club to get out of something." I said looking at him but I couldn't hide the worry in my eyes. "No matter at what age he started taking care of us he will only look out for himself Jax you need to be careful and make sure while you are doing whatever it is to get too that head of the table that you don't lose your way, you need to make sure you keep your head strong and clear don't let anyone else sway your choices. We all know how Mom and Clay have a way with that they get inside of your head with out you knowing and make you do what they want."

I told him hoping that he would understand were I was coming from, because I know if one of them got a hint that he wanted to change the club and was focusing on taking over all hell would break lose and god knows what the hell would happen, not only to the club but to my brother.

"Thanks sis, I don't know what I would do with out you." He said with a smile finally 

"We both know where you would be without a ditch." I said with a laugh "Also are you going to tell me what you guys did with Juice?" I asked hoping they didn't do anything to horrible with him.

Jax let out a laugh "Clays idea don't bust my balls but put him in a diaper with a sign saying slightly retarded and left him in front of the police station." He said still laughing which made me roll my eyes

"Thanks that sounds lovely, you know he could possibly be your brother in law do you really want to remember doing that to a future family member?" I asked him.

This made him smirk "Juice a family member" He said laughing.

"Yes a family member so you better be nice to him, and please make sure he doesn't get hurt I want to have you and him alive for a long long time." I said with a smile.

"Of course can't have my sisters old man and brother dead now can we, you would go insane." He said with a smile.

"I would idiot I can't live without you two, come on you can go asleep in the other room." I said as we both got up to head too bed.

I laid on my bed just thinking that if something was to go wrong and something did happen to Jax and Juice I have no clue what I would do, I have no clue how I would live with out the two people who keep me together.

Sorry for not posting last week, its been super busy here plus getting sick isn't helping much.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and hope all of you have a good New year.

Next post will be in 2019!

Living your life cutthroatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz