Part 1

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I was sitting in the office at Teller-Morrow Automotive filling out paper work that my mother forced me to do, I lived in Charming and have never seen anything outside of this small town and trust me thats not by choice. My name is Valerie Teller Val for short. Im the youngest child of my family sadly I dont remember much of my brother Thomas since I was just a baby when he passed away from our family flaw that was passed down by our mother, luckily, I dont have this flaw.

I have a very close relationship with Jax I trust him with everything and same goes with him, he knows I will always be by his side and give him the advice that he needs, we have a great relationship we barely fight we are one of those siblings that got along perfectly that other families wished there kids got along the way we do.

My relationship with my mom is quite a special one non to say less, shes great when she wants to be and a pain in the ass most of the time but I cant say that Im the only one that thinks this way I mean we are talking about Gemma a lady who likes it her way and nothing less than the way she wants things to be. I was going to go too collage out of Charming but my mother being her self made sure I never left this town and worked in this tiny office of TM. I made sure I would have great grades, so I could have a great life and not be like the rest of my family and be stuck here but my mother being her self didnt want me leaving because of her all my dreams were thrown out the window but I made sure to always throw it in her face whenever I could and made her life a living hellwell not always but when she pissed me off enough none to say the less I loved pushing her buttons.

My step dad Clay on the other hand treated me like a princess I guess it was because he basically raised me and because of that I dont remember anything of my actual dad John Teller, but I hear enough stories about him to know enough and that he loved his MC with everything he had.

My relationship status is always questionable to the guys, one day I will be with my boyfriend who Ive been with since high school and one day we wont be together. I was kind of only with Andy to just have someone there. I always found my self attracted to one SON though, and I kind of let that slip to Jax one night when I had too much to drink and since then he makes fun of me, but always said he would rather have me with a SON than with a jackass like Andy none to say the less no one liked him.

I was nothing like my mother, most people question how Im even her daughter. Everyone says I have a big heart, bigger than Jacksons I guess you can thank our father for our kind hearts.

All the guys here were uncles to me, I loved all of them and I cant imagine my life without these guys thats one thing Im thankful for having and making it better that I didnt get a chance to leave this town.

I had a good relationship with Tara before she left, I understood why she left unlike my mother and brother I mean I was in the same boat I wanted out there isnt a lot of options in this small town and everyone was up your ass. What I didnt like about her leaving was the way my brother took it, it truly broke my heart seeing him the way he was.

But that brought him to Wendy, a croweater turned into an old lady. She was great she never did anything to get on my bad side besides her loving drugs more than my brother at times, but you can see that she loves my brother, and that makes me happy even though she is in and out of rehab, but Ill explain a bit more about that later.

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