Part 16

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          The next day I sat in the office and the only thing that was going threw my head was that god damn page all I could think about is that I was living a life that my father never wanted for me, and slowly I was turning into my mom in a way I mean look where I am this is all I thought about as I looked off into space and kept questioning myself should I go and ask Jax to give me the book so I could read it myself or should I just let it go and pretend I never saw anything.

My thoughts were cut by my moms car racing in and honking the horn which made me get up and go too the door and rushing to her once she got out and started storming over to Jax she explained to us about what happened with Wendy , we all ended up rushing to the hospital after Gem told us everything she knew. As we walked the hall ways of the hospital my mom explained to us how she found matches beside her and they had Hairy Dog written on them.

As we made it to Wendy's room we saw Tara coming out of it I looked at my mom who gave me the same questionable look. 

"What the hell happened?" Jax asked Tara , "When was the last time you saw her?" Tara asked back.

"Couple of weeks , Val tried going to see her and she was never home" Jax said nodding his head over to me Tara looked over to me a bit shocked which made me give her a questionable look not knowing why she would look shocked that I was here. 

"Her hands and feet were full of tracks. Toxicology reports aren't back yet, but it's most likely crank." Tara told us as Jax asked her about the baby, that's when she told us they had to do a emergency C-section and that his insides were out and about our family flaw after finding this out I was left in shock the poor kid didn't deserve this and neither did Jax.

As we watched Jax go over to Tara and talk too her and tell her the baby's name he rushed past me as we yelled for him. "Both of you go with Tara, I got something to do" right when he said that I knew what he was doing I rushed to him and grabbed his arm as he looked down to me with a pissed off look "Go with Tara" he said sternly.

"I will but Jax be careful and please think things threw your a dad now that boy needs you more than anything in this world" I said to him hoping he wouldn't go off the rails with whatever he was going to do, he just nodded and gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked away with Chibs and Bobby.

Myself and my mom followed Tara to were they had Able he was so small I couldn't understand why Wendy did what she did how could she not think about this baby that was growing inside of her, she should be making sure nothing would be harming her child protecting her child from anyone who would want to harm him yet here she was harming the baby herself.

Gem walked over to talk too Clay that's when Tara came over to me "I thought you were leaving Charming and going to go too UCLA" She asked me I let out a sigh "Well my mom had other plans for me so I decided to stay, I actually work at TM now" I said looking back at Able. "Val why do you let her control you? You would've been so happy , meeting new people and having a great job instead of working at a mechanic shop" She said looking concerned I knew she was looking out for me and wanted what was the best for me but it kind of annoyed me how she was saying it. "Yeah well it wouldn't have gotten me the relationship I'm in now, and now thinking about it I don't think I would be able to live that long without Jax in my life" I said snapping at her and also throwing her a dig at what she did to Jax.

"I didn't mean to overstep I was just saying because I knew how happy you got when you used to talk about it, plus you and Jax were like twins you two never left each others side I feel like he would be more hurt with you leaving than he was when I left" She said back to me in a low voice so Gem and Clay couldn't here I just gave her a nod.

Later that day I sat at the bar with Kip as the boys were in church Kip kept to cleaning as I was inside my head going over the things that have happened and the last few hours , and then I had Tara in my head and then I started to think about how my life would have been if I did leave and how Jax would actually be. I mean Jax went on the deep end for awhile when Tara left but he still had me which was one of the things Gemma used on me to get me to stay here but I feel like he would've lost himself even more if I left.

I didn't even notice the guys finish as Clay walked over to the bar until Juice came over and gave me a kiss Jax and Opie sat together beside me and you could tell Jax knew something was on my mind. Clay asked again what the hell the smell was that's when I noticed it did smell really bad in here he started looking around and sniffing to see if he could find the source. 

Jax walked over to where Clay and Bobby were pulling out a box and looking to see what was inside of it as Bobby pulled out a deer head which made me gag and want to throw up.

Everyone started laughing as Kip ran over yelling that it was his "Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Bobby asked him "No I just thought , uh you know, I thought uh I would like as a surprise we could mount it in the club, you know like on the wall" Kip said holding the gross deer beside his head I just shook my head and took a sip of my drink.

"Its gotta stuffed and treated, you idiot" Jax spat at him "Yeah I know , I just...stuffed it with what?" Kip asked everyone just laughed at his stupidity and went on with what they were doing which was drinking and smoking. Juice came over to me and leaned into me.

"You okay? how was seeing Abel?" He asked looking down at me "Yeah I'm fine just thinking , Abel is the most perfect baby ever I can't believe that bitch did that to him" I said too him looking up at him. "Most perfect baby eh? Well I guess until we have one" He said with a smirk and him saying that shocked me and made me raise my eyebrows "Us? and a baby?" I asked him which kind of made his smirk go down then I realized what he may have thought "I don't mean it like that babe, I'm just shocked you would want a baby but when we do you are right the baby will be beyond perfect" I said with a huge smile just thinking about us having our own family.

"Of course I want a family with you, you are the only person I want a family with." He said as he gave me a kiss "I just gotta go look up some stuff about the Mayans for the club, the guys are having a little party if you wanted to stay longer" Juice told me as he picked up his beer from the counter. I gave him a nod "Which would explain Tig and Happy going towards the ring, which I want too see so I'll see you after you are done with club stuff?" I asked him getting up "Yeah it shouldn't take that long." He gave me a kiss and went towards were he kept his computer here.

I walked up to the guys as Clay yelled "Kick his ass" I touched Jax's arm which got him to move over and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side, the guys were talking about club stuff so I knew better and tuned them out and kept watching the fight. 

Bobby ended up breaking the fight due to Clays request we ended up sticking around for awhile until we decided it was getting late and left.

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