Part 14

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        It's been a few months since myself and Juice got together and right now I was standing in Juice's kitchen putting together appetizers and drinks for the guys as they helped move my things into Juices place. Some may say we are moving fast but that's our thing in Charming there is no such thing as moving slow, plus it just made sense since we always spent most of your day and time together.

"You have so much shit" Jax spat as he brought in my box "What do you have in here dead bodies? " He added as he came back from putting the box in mine and Juices room. I handed him a beer "No dipshit, its something called clothes, shoes and make up everything else I just left" I said putting the snacks on the table.

I saw Tig come in and throw a box into the living room which made me roll my eyes "You ass! I have breakable things in there! You guys are acting like pussies, you carry dead bodies around yet you guys complain about a few boxes" I said annoyed as I opened the box to make sure nothing was actually broken "These are the last ones" I heard Opie tell the rest of us.

"Well I made a few snacks and lunch for you boys" I said with a smile "Appetizers are already on the table and the dinner is almost done" I said as I walked back into the kitchen.

After awhile the guys finished putting away a few things that I didn't have a problem with them putting them away, they were now all sitting in the living room watching tv, drinking, joking around I loved days like this where they didn't have too worry about what was going on with the club it made all of us feel normal.

"Boys dinner is ready" I yelled ask I set the last plate down. "Wow, not only did you cook you even placed our food for us on our plates someone is out doing Gemma" Tig laughed as he sat down "Juicy boy looks like you've got a great old lady now" He added still laughing which made Jax, Opie and Juice laugh, which made me roll my eyes.

"Eat or else I'm spitting in your food" I said to Tig as I sat down "Baby I would still eat it" He said with that smirk on his face. 

"I forgot your a disgusting pig" I said laughing, we all laughed and jokes as we ate a few minutes later all the guys were leaving I was saying bye to Jax as Juice was thanking Opie and Tig for helping out.

"Thanks for helping today" I said to Jax with a smile, he just nodded his head with a smile and pointed towards Juice "If he gives you any trouble which I highly doubt he will give me a call got it" He said to me with a smirk. 

"You got it , but like you said he wont do anything bad" I gave Jax a hug and a kiss on his cheek I watched him jog towards Juice and give him a pat on the shoulder as he went to his bike and turned around and looked at us with a smirk on his face I knew he was going to make a smart ass remark.

"Use protection kids, we don't need you knocked up" He yelled which made Tig and Opie burst out laughing and me giving him the middle finger.

It was finally time to go too bed I finished off by putting away things I didn't want the guys to touch as I entered the room from the bathroom I saw Juice was already in bed with a smirk on his face.

"How did you like your day in our place" He said with a smile as he muted the tv.

"I love it, everything about it" I said getting into bed beside him.

"I was going to ask you this before but now seems like the perfect chance, Happy is coming in town tomorrow how do you say about making it official?" He asked me with a smirk on his face as he looked into my eyes.

"And what is that?" I said fully knowing what he was talking about. "You making it official that your my old lady, by getting my crow on you" He said as he started kissing my neck.

"I think that's a great idea" I said pulling his head away from my neck and giving him the most passionate kiss.

*You can imagine what happened next ;) *

The next day I sat at the club house as the guys finished having church they came out and went their own ways some towards TM to work on cars or to make sure the guys that were working on the cars were doing a good job , some just came and sat at the bar or played pool , Kip and Piny were gone out towing cars.

Jax sat beside me as one of the girls handed him a drink "Hey big brother" I said with a huge smile he just looked at me questionably " What do you want?" He asked, I just shrugged my shoulders as I saw Juice coming over with Happy by his side "You ready?" He asked with a smile on his face I nodded and grabbed my beer. 

"Ready for what?" Jax asked us "Oh I'm making it official and getting Juices crow" I said smiling as I stood up. Jax spat out his beer that was in his mouth and started coughing. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked with concern, I know he was okay with our relationship so him acting this way towards me getting a crow was odd. 

"Are you sure that's what you want? Like really sure, once its on its on Val and this will be your first ink." He asked seriously.

"I'm positive he's the one and nothing is changing that and we both know this, plus that's why we have Happy here doing it for me" I said as I walked over to Happy, which Jax nodded too "I'll do a great job VP" Happy said seriously Jax nodded and stood up "I wanna watch, this will be fun" He said with a smile and kissed my head and made his way towards his dorm which I'm guessing that's where he wanted us to go, Happy followed him I took Juices hand and looked at him "I want it to say Juan Juice Ortiz" I said looking up at him "You really want it to say Juan" He said with a laugh I giggled and nodded "What my queen wants that's what she gets" He said with a smile as we made our way towards Jax's dorm Happy just finished setting everything up.

"Is this going to hurt?" I asked Happy, all three laughed "It's your first one, depends on your pain tolerance" He said I nodded "So where do you want it?" He asked me.

" I want it on my inner arm like how Jax has his tattoo of Thomas, and I want you to put Juan Juice Ortiz, not just Juice got it." I said looking at him as I took a seat in front of him "Yes ma'm" He said as he started doing his job. 

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