I Just Wanted You To Know...

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A lock of my dark brown hair tumbled past my shoulder as it was released from the curling iron. My curls were all coming together nicely on my shoulders. My strappless dusty rose dress hugged my curves and nearly touched the ground. My mother released another lock of my hair from the curling iron and it fell to my back. I could feel the heat from my curl on my skin.

It had been two weeks since the day Mr. Collins had told me he was leaving. After that during class, I don't think either one of us could speak to the other. I could tell he wanted to, but he just didn't. Tonight was the night of The Winter Star dance of November. Sort of like homecoming, but not really. Or that was the description anyway.

"You look beautiful, Charly." My mother told me, our eyes locking in the reflection in the mirror.

"Thanks, mom." I said with a grin. I turned around and wrapped her in a hug. "Thanks for helping me with my hair. Where's Rhett? He's still going with Emma, right?"

"Yeah, your dad drove him to her house and he's going to get a picture. You'll see him there. And you're welcome. I know you're going to have a great time tonight." She told me. I nodded.


"Are you okay and everything? How's your therapy sessions?"

"I'm fine, mom. It's all okay." I assured her. I started thinking of that night that she and dad stepped into my bedroom and were speaking about something they couldn't talk to me about. Maybe now was the time to tell my mother that it was okay. "Mom," She turned to look at me as she was starting to leave the bathroom. "I'm okay. I mean, I can handle something if I need to know something." She smiled.

"Good. I'm glad. I'll let you have tonight. And then, I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay." I agreed. She smiled lightly and then left the bathroom. I turned to the mirror once again and stared at myself. My make up was perfect and the dress was so elegant. My mother had bought me the dress and it was almost too perfect for words.

The doorbell rang and I clattered down the stairs to open it. Joey was standing on the porch in a fancy black suit with a dark red tie. His dark brown hair was slicked back with gel. Ella was standing next to him, her hair curled and beautiful and in a tight bun with locks falling to the sides and she was wearing a long baby blue dress. Will was also by them, in a dashing black and white suit with a black tie. His light brown hair was also gelled back.

"You guys look amazing. I thought Penny and Clark were going to be here?"

"I texted Penny. She says they're going to meet us there." Ella said.

"I don't know why. They're missing out on this." Joey moved to the side and behind him, parked on the side of my house, was a long black, limo.

"Oh my god! Joey, how-" I stammered.

"Turns out, my mom left some extra money. In case of emergencies." He said with a grin.

"Great." I replied.

"Wait, wait! Charly, I want pictures!" My mom cried from the living room. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Okay guys, come on in." I invited my friends.

I got a picture with Will as my date. I put a hand on his shoulder and posed with a happy smile on my face as the camera flashed.

"Okay, Ella, Joey, your turn." I encouraged.

"Wait... but we're not really going as a date." Ella pointed out.

"I don't care." I giggled. I shoved her towards Joey and she stumbled forward and he caught her as she crashed into him. She was an inch away from him.

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