Just Say No Way

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My classes were easier than lunch time. In class, all I had to do was sit down and shut up. But at lunch time, my friends sat at the table and nobody really sat near them. Although, everyone was still staring at me and wouldn't stop.

I saw my younger brother Rhett sitting across the cafeteria with a group of kids. I tried waving at him, but he didn't wave back. I don't think he saw me.

I took a spot next to Keith. He kissed the side of my face.

"Hey, how were your classes?" He asked me. 

"They were okay, I guess." I said with a smile. 

"Did you think about the bet?" Liz questioned me. I shook my head. 


"If you win, we each have to pay you twenty dollars. The old Charly would have done anything for twenty dollars." Jules said. Heather and Liz laughed and slapped Jules a high five. Was that supposed to mean something? 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. 

"Nothing, it was just a joke." Jules muttered. 

"Hilarious." I muttered, poking at my food. Mashed potatoes and turkey. 

"You okay?" Keith asked. No, I wasn't okay. I wasn't okay with not remembering anything and I wasn't okay with getting to know my friends all over again who all seemed like terrible people. Even my gorgeous boyfriend.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said with a forced smile. "I'm just not hungry. You know, I didn't get the homework from Collins' class down. I was distracted." I picked up my tray to leave. In all truth, I did get the homework. I just felt like I needed to be alone.

"Oh, so you are considering the bet. Looking for alone time with Collins." Liz chirped.

"No, I just need to get the homework." I said defensively. "I didn't get it." I got up and crossed over to the trash, ditching my tray and heading into the hallway that I remembered led to Mr. Collins class. They would at least be convinced that way.

"Hey, Charly!" Cried an unrecognizable voice. I spun around in the middle of the hallway. I had been by myself for a few minutes, lockers surrounding me on each side and by myself. But to my disappointment, someone had called my name.

  A boy walked towards me. A buzz cut, kind of short, wearing a ripped jean jacket with black skin tight jeans.

"Who are you?" I said. He laughed when he reached me.

"Right, the accident. I keep forgetting. Alex Shaw," He said, sticking out his hand. "Nice to meet you, again. Charly." I shook his hand.

"I'm sorry. Are we friends?" I asked him.

"Oh, we're a little more than that." He said.

"Excuse me?" I said confused. I looked around, there was nobody else walking through the hallways.

"God, I wish you could remember me right now." He said, getting closer to me. I backed into a locker.

"I really wish I could too." I said quickly. "How did I know you?"

"We were friends." He said. "I started selling you pot."


"I was selling you the good stuff but then your parents stopped giving you allowance as punishment. So, you started paying me... a different way." He came closer and closer. I could smell his breath. It smelled like stale alcohol and cigarettes.

"Well, I don't remember." I said quietly, trying to squeeze passed him. His other arm slammed against the locker, pinning me in place.

"Charly, you're so pretty." He told me. He must have been hung over or something. "Is there no way you remember me just a tiny bit?"

"No, I don't." I said sharply. "And I don't even know if you're telling the truth about me. I don't think I would do that, I have a boyfriend." He laughed. 

"Keith Carlisle, you mean? Yeah, you would never do anything to hurt him. Blah, blah, blah. That's rich. You've completely forgotten who you really are, Charly. And when you remember, we can go back to having fun." He gave me a smile and turned around, stalking off back down the hallway. 

I cried in the girls bathroom for the rest of lunch until the bell rang.

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