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What would you do if you had the chance to start over? What if you were this person that didn't quite blossom but you had a chance for yourself to start all over just to blossom into something new? This was the chance that I got again. I could have died, but life chose to give me another chance and I don't know why. But I'm really glad it did.

My name is Charly. Charlene Elizabeth Walker. This is my story. Everything was kind of jumbled up for a long time. The way I understand it, I was this person who didn't understand her own life and acted out poorly. I think I was angry, so I decided to take it out on the people I loved most. But I think even then I knew who I was and I wanted to be hated by the people I loved and adored by the people I thought were worth it.

The last thing I remember hearing is the gigantic thud and the crunching of metal. I was in the car with my mother. She was in the drivers' seat, I was in the passengers' side. A drunk driver spun out of control in his truck and smashed into us, slamming into my side first.

My mother suffered some broken bones but I was in the hospital for eight months. This was during summer shortly before my senior year. The doctors told me when I woke up just how lucky I was, but I don't know about luck, I was more sure of fate when high school ended. But I'll get into the crazy events of my senior year one step at a time.

After the car crash, I had permanent amnesia. But after the accident it seems like I really started living. Nothing like almost dying to really start living.

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