Saturday Night Party

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After having pizza and more of a fun time talking and hanging out, it got late and I had to end the party by 10. I know, being 18 I should have more privilages than 10 o'clock but my parents said what they said.

Everyone pretty much had to go home anyway. Izzy said she had to be back by 9:30 so she and Clark went home together, Penny had 'family night' at her house and she had to be there for it so she had to leave by 9. By 10, it was only Joey, Ella and Will who were leaving.

Ella and Will were exiting and telling me they had a good time but before she could leave, I stopped Ella.

"You're going to tell me what happened, right?" I asked, I had to know what my part was in this tragedy of what happened to her. She nodded.

"Yes. I just need some time to get my words together and see if I can actually explain. See you later, Charly." She said quietly as she stepped out to the front porch as she helped her brother to the car.

"Bye, Charly!" Will called out to me.

"Bye, Will!" I said with a grin.

Joey stopped next to me as he was pulling on his dark green heavy army jacket.

"I had a really good time." He said. "Not the most common of teenage parties but it was nice." I laughed.

"Sorry to disappoint."

"You didn't," He said with a cute smile. "I really had a good time. I-I can't stop thinking about that kiss." I lowered my eyes. The guilt of the kiss not feeling right to me was eating me aive. 

"Yeah." I said quietly. His eyes followed mine.

"So um, we're still meeting at that Dylan guys' party tomorrow night right?"

"Yeah, of course." I said.

"Great. I can't wait."

"Me neither." He leaned in towards me and his lips slowly stamped to mine. The kiss lasted for about five seconds and he was an amazing kisser. So why didn't I want to kiss him as hard as he was kissing me? It's not that I didn't enjoy it but I knew exactly who I was thinking about.

When he pulled away, I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. He chuckled.

"Um, you're welcome? See you tomorrow," He said gently. He turned and headed out the front door and out towards his car parked outside of my house. I closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. When I raised my eyes, Vinny was standing in the entrance and crunching on an apple.

"Righteous. You just got kissed." He said between bites. I giggled.

"Shut up, Vin." I said, starting to head upstairs. I looked over at him again before I took another step. "Did Rhett talk to you about the party?"

"The one tomorrow night? Yeah. Sure, I'll come with you guys. I love parties." He exclaimed.

"Sweet. Well, I'll see you tomorrow Vinny." I headed up our staircase and I walked to my bedroom to go to bed. It had been a long week and it felt amazing to collapse in bed.

The next morning when I awoke and headed downstairs, the smell of pancakes wafted into my nostrils. When I headed into the dining room, there were pancakes in the middle of the table and my parents were sitting with two other people. A woman, tall and curvy with black hair, tied into a tight ponytail and a man. He had the same looks as my father. Wavy, dark hair. Blue eyes. Except he looked a little smaller than my father. Rhett was sitting next to my dad and Vinny was sitting next to the other man.

Suddenly their heads turned to look at me.

"Charly!" The woman called, standing up and walking over to me. "Hi sweetie, how are you?" She wrapped me into a hug and I felt confused.

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