The Club

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Over the course of the school week, I took all of my notes and I took down all of the homework. I was trying to get caught up in all of my school work, even though I was already scheduled for summer school and I couldn't graduate on time anyways. But, I realized how hard I needed to start working.

Mr. Collins tried to make eye contact with me during class every day but I tried to avoid him and I took the homework down. I would be the one to leave first so he couldn't call me back to his desk to have a 'talk.'

My friends became confused at my new attitude, and I just told them that I wanted to graduate at least and I needed to catch up on a lot of stuff. They seemed to understand, they didn't want to stay in high school either.

After a long and stressful week, it was Friday. I came to school with a pair of dark rimmed glasses in my pocket. My parents told me that I wore reading glasses but I hardly ever used them. So, I showed up to school with a french braided ponytail and a white top with a floral skirt and tights with boots. My clothes were really quite cute. I just wish I had realized that the first day.

In English, we were halfway through As you Like it. It was all about disguise. Rosaline dresses herself as a man and is treated differently because she's in disguise. It kind of got me thinking about my own life. Maybe I couldn't find an identity, so I lived through years in a stupid disguise trying so hard to be 'cool', when that wasn't the real me at all. 

As I stared at the board deep into thought, just then Mr. Collins asked me to read from the book. Torn from my thoughts, I had to stand in front of the class and I glanced down at the page Mr. Collins asked me to start. 

"All the worlds' a stage, and all of the men and women are merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven stages." For some reason, that quote really got to me. I mean, maybe all my life was a stage. My old life, anyway. Maybe I was merely a player just acting, and only people could see the surface of me and not the real actress. I think I was ready for act 2.

The bell rang when I was done reading and everyone started shuffling towards the door to leave.

"Charly," Mr. Collins called me. I sighed. I hadn't gotten to the door quick enough.

"We'll wait for you, Char." Liz called. I nodded slowly and I walked over to his desk. He stared up at me with a soft expression, his tone lighter and more friendly today.

"You look different," He commented when I looked at him. I pulled my dark rimmed reading glasses from my face.

"Yeah, well... my mom says that I hardly ever wear my reading glasses. I was just curious to know how I got by without being able to read anything before I lost my memory." I said. He laughed.

"Not easily. Usually you said 'pass' whenever I asked you to read. But, now you have."

"Well, I hope change is okay." I replied.

"Look, I'm sorry. About Monday. I didn't mean to make you feel worse when I called you out in the hallway and accused you of such things. I was wrong."

"It's okay." I said. "You know who I am, Mr. Collins. I don't blame you for it."

"Well, I apologize. That was wrong of me." He said. "Thanks for reading in class today, Charly."

"You're welcome." I said giving him a grin. "See you next week."

"See you next week."

When I reached my friends who were waiting at my locker, Keith pulled me towards him.

"Did I tell you how amazing you look today?" He asked me. I nodded.

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