The Past Is The Past

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Joey stared at me from across the table. He couldn't take his eyes away from me. We had went to a small ice cream shop in town together just before going home. 

"I'm kind of glad we didn't stay at that party." I piped up. "Was Liz okay?"

"Yeah, she was okay. I helped her to the door. Her mom seemed kind of pissed." 

"I can imagine. Liz has a lot to learn." I replied, scooping another hunk of strawberry ice cream on my spoon. 

"Yeah, she does. Um, Charly... there's something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Look, I-" He started 

"Charly, Joey," That voice called out. I recognized it immediately as Mr. Collins. We turned and Mr. Collins walked towards our table with a vanilla ice cream cone. Miss Greenwood was walking by his side. She looked gorgeous. Her piles of red curly hair was neatly sitting on her shoulders and she wore a strapless black top with tight jeans. Mr. Collins was wearing a black buttoned up shirt with dark faded jeans. 

"Mr. Collins, Miss Greenwood, hi." I greeted. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Joey questioned. 

"Believe it or not Joey, teachers have a life outside of school." Miss Greenwood said with a giggle. 

"Right, I knew that." He said with a smile. 

"Are you guys having a nice Saturday night?" Mr. Collins asked. 

"Yeah. Great ice cream." I replied. 

"Definitely." Miss Greenwood agreed. 

"So, what's the deal with you two? Are you guys like, dating?" Joey asked them. 

"Joey!" I cried. 

"What, I'm just asking." 

"This is extremely inappropriate." Miss Greenwood exclaimed, her face as red as her hair. 

"Thanks for the concern, Mr. Quinto. But I think we're going to keep that to ourselves, if you don't mind." Mr. Collins said. 

"That's a yes." Joey whispered to me. My heart sank. I wanted to leave and be alone at that second. I hate to admit it, but I'm pretty sure I was jealous of my math teacher. I awkwardly looked away from them, staring down at my ice cream. It was making me feel worse and even more confused about Mr. Collins. 

It made me angry that he was out with Miss Greenwood. I know it shouldn't have but it did. 

"Well, have a good night." Mr. Collins said quietly. I looked up and briefly smiled and Joey waved as they turned and left and I stared after them, lowering my eyes.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" I asked Joey as I turned back to him. He cleared his throat. 

"You know, it was nothing." He said, shaking his head. "Lost my train of thought." 

"Oh. Well, I better get home. My dad doesn't want me out late." 

"Okay, I'll take you home." He said. 

Joey's car stopped in front of my house and before I got out, I turned to look at him. 

"I'll see you Monday." I told him with a smile. 

"Okay." He said, his eyes hadn't pulled away from the steering wheel. 

"Joey, are you okay? You've been quiet the whole ride home." I pointed out. He nodded. 

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