~Shop keeper~ K.T.H

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Hyein's P.O.V

I walked into a shop and started looking around the shop. I see a guy behind the counter around my age maybe 22, 23 ? As I continued to walk around the shop I saw something that caught my eye. Hmmm Jinny might like that. I thought to myself. I took it and looked at it and tried to place it under my shirt as I did a hand grabbed onto mine and I gasped 'Stealing I see' the guy said as he took the item back and placed it in its rightful place. He then grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the door 'Don't come back... I'll let you off the hook this time...' I scoffed and walked out the door, not looking back a second time. 'I just wanted something for my little sister's birthday' I mumbled to myself as I made my way back home.

When I arrived my sister ran up to me and hugged my legs 'Unnie ! Did you get me anything ?' She asked ever so innocently. I hesitated for a second before answering her 'Yah~ you know that unnie has to work hard right ?' I asked and she nodded 'Well...' I was debating whether to tell her that she couldn't get her present because I couldn't afford it or that the birthday fairy didn't get the present to her yet. 'Well the birthday fairy says that she wants to give you something special later on and that she can't give it to you now' I said trying to sound at least a little convincing. She looked at me with teary eyes and started running to our tiny shared room and slamming the door shut. I sighed as I made my way towards our tiny shared room. When I opened the door I saw a very sad teary eyed Jinny. Sighing I slowly kneeled down to face her. I gently took hold of her face and said. 'Baby... you know that sissy has to work really hard everyday to get you some dinner right ?' she nodded 'well...' I started. Then I heard a knock from the door.

'Coming !'  I slightly shouted 'Now go wash your face and let's get ready to eat !' She slightly nodded and made her way to our small bathroom. I opened the door and when I looked up it was the guy from before. 'What are you doing here ?' I asked 'I came here to give you this !' He gave an adorable boxy smile. I took the bag and looked in it. 'Wait isn't this at the store ?' I asked curiously. Just then the bathroom door burst open and little Jinny came running out. 'W-who is t-this ?' she asked. Just then the man slowly kneeled down and started talking to her. 'Hello' he said smiling 'My Name is Kim Taehyung.' 'What's yours ?' 'M-my name i-is Ji-Jinny.' He smiled and shook her hand. 'Well it is a pleasure to meet you Jinny.' She giggles and hugs my leg. I looked down at her and smiled 'I-is Tae oppa unnie's boy-boyfriend ?' I just looked at her, mouth opened 'Ummm... ' 'Unnie not sure yet. But here !' I gave what I was planning to steal earlier. She opened the bag and her eyes lit up with happiness "OMO! Thank You you sissy !!!" she screamed and jumped onto me.

I hugged her back and gave Taehyung a grateful thankyou smile. He returned the smile and turned to leave but I stopped him. "Hey um do you maybe want to stay for some dinner ? it's not much food but I think my younger sister really likes you" I said slightly smiling while holding Jinny's hand. She looked up at Taehyung with puppy eyes and Taehyung said "Sure but how about let's go out to eat and I'll take you to your favourite place ?" he said while looking at Jinny. She smiled widely and jumped onto Taehyung and kissed his cheek. "Oh no I'm so sorry, she does that when she's happy" I smiled awkwardly trying to Jinny's koala claws off of him. "Oh no worries I love hugs anyways haha" he said while looking at her with such love. "Thankyou..." I mouthed to him as he smiled back and said "Let's go eat !!"

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